Brotherhood of Fire

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Book: Brotherhood of Fire by Elizabeth Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Moore
and this wasn't the usual, intimate, after-sex fade. John was still there too. Sweet, hot, sexy-as-sin John, who had just taken her body with a force she'd never felt outside of her own husband, who had shared the whole thing with them. Even in a half awake state, the thought of him buried deep inside her made her entire body tingle, her belly tighten.
Shifting bodies, voices, then the warm, hard feel of her husband against her back drifted through to her. The nagging thought that something was missing dragged on her mind as she fell into warm, dark sleep.
Complete darkness met her eyes when they opened. The hard feel of Garrett's warm body still spooned into her back, but in front of her there was cool empty space. Stretching her arm out, she had a small lurch of guilt that she instinctively wanted to search out John.
"He went home. I think he felt uncomfortable once the adrenaline wore off."
"How did you know that's what I was thinking?"
"You're my wife. I think I've managed to figure you out a little after five years." He chuckled softly in her ear. Hands tightening around her waist, he cradled her against him. "It's okay, don't feel bad; I wish he would have stayed too."
"Do you think he regrets it?"
"About as much as I do. So that'd be no . It's a little different for him. He's feeling like a third wheel. I guess I wouldn't know what to do with myself once the show was over either."
She yawned. "Is that it? Was this a one-time thing? What are we doing here, Garrett?"
"Not if I can help it. We'll have to see what he says. You know we're supposed to go to the Firefighter's Memorial weekend in a few days. Forget?"
The plans they had made to rent a cabin together when things were still platonic between them came back to her.
"I didn't even think about it. Puts a whole new perspective on things, doesn't it?"
A deep, lusty laugh came from him, and he pushed into her hips, pulling her tighter against him. "Oh, yeah. Hell of a lot more fun, if you ask me."
"Guess that answers the question about where you want to go with this."
"Only if you agree and if he doesn't decide he can't handle it."
"You'll have to tell him what you think, Garrett. It's going to be what you're feeling that he's worried about." She pulled his arms closer around her, thoughts of the three of them together again flooding her. Clenching her thighs, she felt the tight twist in her belly when the vision of John thrusting into her, his face dark and filled with passion, loomed in her head.
"And now I know exactly what you think about taking this a step further, because I can feel your heart pounding," he murmured into her skin. "Sore? I want to fuck you so bad I can't stand it. Turns me on knowing he was in you. Damn." He swore, his breath coming hard against her back.
Reaching behind her, she grasped his rock hard erection and smiled. "Not sore at all, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I love the idea I'm going to have you both in one day."
"That's my girl." He groaned as he turned her to him and slid inside with one smooth, long thrust.
Her breath caught at the feel of him filling her, and she looked into his deep brown eyes as they shared the incredible sensation of knowing what they had just experienced, and that they would likely be doing it again soon.
Chapter Six
"Yeah, on the way now, be about two hours, I think. Traffic's good."
    Carrie watched Garrett talking on his cell. His voice sounded easy, relaxed, but his face looked tense.
"All right, we'll get there just before you then. See you in awhile." He snapped the phone closed and settled back, looking thoughtful.
Carrie turned back to the window with a sigh. She adjusted herself in the seat. Nestled into the deep leather, her restlessness had nothing to do with the tilt, the warmth, or how much legroom she had. The inability to sit still came from the same source putting a frown on Garrett's face but for a completely different reason.
She could play devil's advocate all day, argue maybe

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