Courtly Love

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Book: Courtly Love by Lynn M. Bartlett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn M. Bartlett
not blame her. Had Serena forgotten? Or had she chosen simply to ignore the facts? Either way, Serena had never thrown it in his face or questioned him about it. She seemed quite willing to be his wife if he so desired, but by no means was she forcing a decision upon him. Serena was unfailingly polite whenever they met—a most welcome respite from Beda who alternately threatened and cajoled in the misguided hope that Gyles would return to her bed. Finally, aggravated beyond his endurance, Gyles had taken to bolting his side of the door that joined their chambers. At the time Gyles had thought that if Serena lay behind that door he would have it torn from its hinges instead.
    Serena paddled back to Gyles and wondered at the frown that had replaced his smile of a few moments before. She cast a glance at the bank to assure herself that Alan was out of the water, and then turned back to Gyles. His eyes rivaled the leaves above in their greenness, and his skin had turned to a deep bronze during these summer days. Serena had often watched as he and his men held practice sessions with their weapons. Now up close, she could see the firm, rippling muscles of his arms and shoulders, which before she had seen only from a distance. Serena had little enough to judge by, but she knew instinctively that Gyles was indeed a magnificently built man. She had no difficulty understanding why—if Bryan had not been lying—the women at court found him so appealing. What would happen if she went to him now and placed a gentle kiss upon his lips? Would he put her from him? Or would Gyles take her in his arms and whisper the endearments she yearned to hear from his lips? There were so many unanswered questions.
    Gyles was looking at her and smiling. At least he seemed to have removed the curtain from between them, and that was a start, Serena told herself hopefully.
    "You look pensive, Serena. Does something trouble you?" Gyles's voice was soft and low, with a gentle note that Serena had never heard before. He allowed so little tenderness to touch his life, she thought sadly.
    "No, m'lord," she answered quietly. Then she smiled teasingly. " Tis only that I grow weary and must beg your leave to return to shore, for if I do not, I fear you shall be made a widower."
    Gyles laughed, and stretching out one arm, caught her to him. "Then shall I ferry you back, m'lady? In truth, 'twould not be a difficult task, for I think you weigh little more than Alan."
    The moment was precious and Serena was loathe to let it go, so she lay passively against Gyles's chest and let him bear both their weights. Gyles seemed to be of the same mind, and Serena could hear the steady beat of his heart in her ear. Hesitantly, she raised one hand up over the dark mat of hair on his chest until her arm was around his neck. The water sparkled as if inlaid with jewels, the wind rustled softly through the trees and time hung suspended for them—trapped around their bodies as they lightly touched, drifted apart, and came together again. From the woods came the trilling of a bird, the only sound that broke their splendid isolation. Both felt the need to speak: Gyles to refute his earlier angry words, and Serena to tell of the strange, new emotion that she had discovered in her heart. But neither could find the words, and instead they held tightly to each other, expressing their thoughts in unspoken communication.
    Eventually, it was Serena who broke away and smiled shakily at Gyles, whose face wore a puzzled expression. "We ... we must go, m'lord. 'Tis late, and there is the joust tomorrow and the guests."
    Gyles nodded, not trusting his voice, for he, too, had been inwardly shaken by their contact. Something about this girl stirred the very depths of his soul, and it was not just desire. He had had this feeling before: when they were arguing; the day they had discussed Alan; and especially during the long days and nights he had kept his vigil by Serena's bedside and feared—yes,

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