Day of Vengeance

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Book: Day of Vengeance by Johnny O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johnny O'Brien
bee. It was surrounded, above, below and on each side by the 109s and the Stukas that had just completed the devastating surprise raid on the Northolt base.
    “Looks like Pendelshape’s plane is being escorted by all those fighters,” Angus said.
    Jack thought for a moment. “We need to follow – but keep a distance – can you do that?”
    “Yes – I think so.”
    The radio crackled in Angus’s ears a second time – this time the voice was different.
    “Acorn Leader this is Red One, over.”
    “Red One – Acorn Leader here, delighted you have joined us. We are to follow but await reinforcements before engaging…”
    “Acorn Leader, I am terribly sorry but I must protest in the strongest possible terms… I do believe that our foe is planning further mischief and I would like to propose a course of action to dissuade him from this intent…”
    “Shut up Red One.”
    “Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion, Acorn Leader, however, I would like to add that my morning constitutional has been rudely curtailed by the action of our enemy and I feel it necessary to indicate my sincere displeasure…”
    “Red One – get off the R/T – we are to wait backup – do not engage, repeat do not engage.”
    Angus half-turned to Jack. “You should hear this on the radio – someone called Red One, I think we’re called Red Two, he wants to attack, but the leader guy is not letting him…”
    The voice of Red One came over the radio again, “I am terribly sorry, Acorn Leader, my radio seems to be playing up somewhat, I understood you to say ‘engage the enemy… engage’. I do declare that is a most capital idea and shall engage forthwith. Always at your service. Tally-ho! Tally-ho!”
    Although Angus could hear the radio transmissions through his helmet, he had no idea where either ‘Acorn Leader’ or ‘Red One’ were. But suddenly, from below and off to their left, a loneHurricane screamed past them and banked sharply right to pursue the swarm of German planes ahead.
    “There he goes! Red One… he’s mad… he’s totally outnumbered. They’ll crucify him,” Angus cried as he banked their Spitfire into a more gentle turn and raised the throttle a notch to pursue Red One.
    “Don’t get too close, Angus, we don’t want to get into trouble…” Jack said.
    Angus could hear Acorn Leader screaming down the radio, “Red One – Disengage! DISENGAGE! Red Two – do not follow, repeat await support, AWAIT SUPPORT!”
    Angus raised the mask to his face, “Er, yes, confirmed,” Angus, still unsure of what to say, added, “Always at your service…”
    Angus and Jack stared though the canopy, mesmerised, as they watched Red One steadily approach the English Channel and close in rapidly on the swarm of German aircraft. The German planes maintained a tight formation around the larger civilian aircraft, which forced them to fly at its much slower speed. It was becoming apparent that their role was to shield and protect the civilian aircraft with Pendelshape aboard, now he had safely escaped from the Northolt airfield. However, they had not allowed for Red One, who was closing in on them. Fast.
    Red One picked an outlier from the central stack of planes and Jack saw a whiff of powdery smoke from his wings as he opened fire. Almost immediately, there was a corresponding puff of white from an enemy aircraft, and it arced slowly off its course towards the ground. Even though they were still some distance behind, Jack could clearly see the enemy pilot release his canopy and leap from the dying plane. He deployed his parachute, but it refusedto open. Instead, a ten-metre plume of tangled cord and silk flailed wildly from the wretched pilot’s shoulders as he plummeted earthwards. Jack stared on in horror. He knew they called it a ‘Roman Candle’ when a parachute failed to open in this way. Now he understood why – because that’s exactly what the pilot looked like – a black stick, with a trailing plume of

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