Joust of Hearts

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Book: Joust of Hearts by Genella deGrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Genella deGrey
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
does this man bewitch me so? When he steps into the room, everything I have been taught about propriety flies out of my head, as birds fly out of a pie that had not the proper time to bake. If any other woman were in this situation, would she feel the same way? He is more thoughtful than any man I’ve known. Why, his wit and charm alone melt down any and all of my defenses. I really shouldn’t…
    Melisande glanced over at Devin, who had been watching her from across the room for nearly the entire meal. From over the top of his wine goblet, he stared at her as if in a trance. Melisande could not help but return his gaze. Aye , she thought, any woman would be helplessly lost and at the mercy of his penetrating eyes. Devin made her feel alive, desirable. He wanted her, and it had such a stirring effect as if it would topple the hills themselves.
    “Would you not agree, Lady Dupree?” Lord Bergavny’s voice penetrated Melisande’s thoughts.
    Melisande turned to him, having no idea of what he was speaking. “Aye, most definitely, my lord,” she said with a demure smile then turned to Helena, who was sitting to his right. “I am ready to go to my room, Helena. Will you escort me?” she asked quietly.
    Helena looked at Devin and back at Melisande. “Mayhaps Devin would see to that task for me this eve.”
    She would have swooned had there been Helena’s companions present, but mercifully, the Bergavnys and Devin were the only witnesses to the exchange. Melisande’s mouth fell open as horrified disbelief overcame her.
    “Helena, my dove”—Melisande heard Fitzherbert softly address his wife—“would that be proper? I mean, after all—”
    Helena leaned closer to his ear and whispered something no one else heard. Fitzherbert’s face turned red and a great, wide smile spread across the expanse. “Very well then, you are both excused for the evening,” he declared.
    Melisande flushed, imagining the juicy bit of gossip Helena had just presented to her husband. She couldn’t believe any of this. She started to stand and Devin was instantaneously next to her, offering her his arm. She accepted the help only to steady herself she avowed as they headed for the stairs.
    “Sleep well, my dear,” Helena bade.
    Devin glanced over his shoulder and Fitzherbert winked at him. Devin grinned and reached up to wave back in acknowledgment.
    Melisande tugged on Devin’s arm to gain his attention. “Can you think about what this must look like, Devin?”
    “Nay, forsooth, I am thinking about what it shall look like the moment I get you alone.”
    “Devin! Where is the seriousness of the matter?” Melisande scolded with a harsh whisper. “We mustn’t depart in such an obvious manner.”
    “Pray, my lady, why should you be ill at ease? These are dear friends we’ve just supped with, not pious priests.”
    Melisande refused to believe that Helena and her husband would condone this sort of behavior in their home. Helena could have at least provided an excuse for Melisande, as opposed to helping her into a large basket headed straight for the fiery lake.
    They reached the top of the stairs. “You go toward the stairs to your chambers and I shall go to mine and we will say our good evens from there,” Melisande suggested.
    “You can’t be serious.” Devin chuckled aloud.
    “Shh…” She looked over her shoulder and down the hall. “Just do this one thing for me,” she pleaded.
    “And how shall you repay me?”
    She didn’t need to be a scholar to know exactly what he wanted. Embarrassed, Melisande directed her gaze to the ground. “I can think of no way.”
    Devin’s voice changed from mirth to a low calm. “Then allow me. Come to me this night.” He lifted her chin with his knuckle so he could look into her eyes. “You know how much we both want this.”
    “Nay. Truly. I-I mustn’t,” she whispered, shaking her head.
    Devin’s finger traced a path down her throat. “Melisande, I desire you as I do no

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