Devour, A Paranormal Romance (Warm Delicacy Series, Book 3)

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Book: Devour, A Paranormal Romance (Warm Delicacy Series, Book 3) by Megan Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Duncan
the living room. Her house was much the same layout as mine, just bigger. Liz’s mom opted for the extra rooms even though it was just the two of them. Memories of my childhood flooded my mind as I took a seat on the couch. The overabundance of decorative pillows gave me only a few inches of space, so I balanced myself on the edge as best I could.
    “How are you?” My voice grew soft as I watched my childhood best friend take a seat in the armchair instead of beside me on the couch.
    “I’m great.” She smiled with fake sincerity. I focused and allowed myself to reach out to her. I was surprised by what I found. Anger.
    “You look great,” I said, and she really did. She always did. “I’m sorry I didn’t come see you sooner.”
    “It’s whatever. I don’t care. You’ve got a new life now.”
    She looked disinterested and turned her attention toward the expansive bay window that opened to the front yard. Her emotions were spilling out of her, filling the room like hot steam. She was angry and I couldn’t say I blamed her. Had our situations been reversed I’d be angry too. I just hoped she could forgive me.
    “ I care .” I scooted closer toward her and she didn’t move away. That was a good sign. “Just because things have changed, doesn’t mean I don’t want you in my life any more, Liz.”
    “Yes, it does.” She turned to look at me, her pony tail draped over her shoulder like a luxurious mane. “What could we possibly have in common now? What is there to even say about anything?” The hurt in her eyes overshadowed the anger. “Am I supposed to be happy you came here to slum it with us simple humans?” Her arms crossed across her chest as she scowled at me.
    “Liz.” I closed the gap between us. “Just because I’m different, doesn’t mean we have to be.”
    She sighed, making her face look somber and defeated. “Yes, it does, Claire. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to see you, but what’s the point? You haven’t even so much as called! Not once.”
    “I’m sorry.” She had a point. There was no excuse for that. I could have said the same to her, but there was no reason to shove it in her face. “I should have called. I should have done a lot of things that I didn’t, but I’m here now. Doesn’t that count?” I reached out to touch her, but thought better of it and knotted my fingers together in my lap.
    “I get it. Your life is better now. You’re rich, powerful and beautiful. I’ve seen you on TV, Claire. You don’t look anything like the girl I grew up with.” Her eyes glistened with emotion and my heart hammered in my chest. I thought I had been able to retain a small part of the girl I once was, but maybe I was losing that battle. I knew I looked different on the outside, yet I always thought I still had some of the same teenage girl inside me. If Liz couldn’t see it, then maybe I was wrong.
    “A lot has happened since I left, Liz. Nothing is like what I thought it would be.”
    “What? Not enough parties and jewels for you?” She winced at her own words and I could feel her regret for saying them. She was just lashing out at me, and I knew I deserved it. I had been a terrible friend. “What do you want, Claire?”
    Her words were dipped in softness, yet sadness burned at the seams. I’d hurt her, and for that I would do whatever I could to repair it. I had done the very thing I knew we both feared the most I abandoned her. I might have had no choice about leaving, but I didn’t take the time to call or even write. All I had to do was reach out to her, to let her know I hadn’t forgotten her and I didn’t even do that.
    “I want you to come with me.” Shock painted her face, hiding all the sadness.
    “Come with you?” I nodded. “Where? To the palace?”
    “Not exactly.”
    Glee bubbled inside me as hope spread across her face. Liz had always seemed the more independent one, the leader of our two-girl group, but she was more invested in our friendship

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