WhatHeDemands (domination erotica)
She swallowed hard
and squeezed her thighs together. The burning in her pussy was becoming intolerable.
    Malek used the tip of his whip to lift his submissive’s
chin. “I asked you a question, and I expect a proper answer. So I’ll ask again,
is that a smile I see?”
    The submissive’s lips twitched. “Maybe.”
    This was a submissive who liked to push his luck. Lei had
scened with more than enough to know the type. They craved the punishment and
weren’t by nature submissive. They merely took on the role so they would be in
a position to get what they wanted. Depending upon the submissive, and the dom,
that could be a few lashes, being humiliated in public, or perhaps being
paddled to within an inch of their limits.
    But what he probably wasn’t expecting was what Malek did,
even if they had discussed the possibility ahead of time.
    Malek walked away.
    The submissive’s eyes widened. His mouth formed an “O” of
shock; then his lips clamped shut.
    Damn. Lei couldn’t help but smile at the submissive’s
reaction. She’d put money on him thinking twice about playing Malek like that
again. Or maybe he’d make a different choice in a dom, if that was his game.
Either way, it was something to watch.
    While Lei continued to study Malek’s behavior as he prowled
around the open dungeon, he turned. His gaze swept the crowd of onlookers
gathered around the perimeter of the room. It snapped to her.
    Their eyes met.
    The air seeped from her lungs.
    Her face burned.
    He smiled, and she swore her heart skipped a beat. Maybe
    Dangerous. That’s what that man was.
    Her body had never reacted this way to any man before,
especially since . . . being rescued. She met his smile with a tiny nod, then
forced herself to walk through the throng toward the back hall, toward her
private suite, her haven. Her sanctuary.
    * * * * *
    Please turn the page for a special sneak preview of At His
Mercy, available now!

At His Mercy (An
erotic romance novella)
    Tawny Taylor
    Copyright ©2012 Tawny
Taylor All Rights Reserved
    Sometimes freedom can only be gained through captivity…
    Elena Caine has secrets. The kind that could devastate her
life if they’re revealed. And now a selfish bastard is dragging the skeletons
out of her closet. She’s being blackmailed. There’s no way out. Then the
quietly seductive Dom Kyler Pierce decides to blackmail her too. As Kyler and
Elena face their common enemy, overpowering sexual heat sizzles between them.
They want each other. Need each other. But happiness may be beyond their reach.
For this determined Dom and reluctant submissive to have any chance at love,
Elena must learn the most essential lesson of Dominance and submission—to trust
her Dom. Especially when she is on her knees…and her world is tumbling down
around her.
    (Previously published as Blackmailed)
    Length: Long novella, approx. 30,000 words
    “Will you tell me why you’re so angry?”
    He looked away.
    Her nerves crawling, she watched his throat work as he
swallowed. Nothing.
    “You won’t give me a chance to explain?”
    “I don’t know if I can believe anything you say.”
    Where did that leave her? This man, whose eyes were cold as
icicles, held her job in the palm of his hand. Her job, the medical insurance
that paid for her brother’s treatment. Her entire future. She couldn’t get any
more desperate than that. “What will it take to prove to you that I can be
believed? I stayed. Right? You didn’t lock me in. You won the bet, and I didn’t
leave, even though I wanted to.”
    “Yeah, well, that could also be because you didn’t want your
pretty little ass hauled to jail.”
    “I’m not sure that would be any worse,” she said, frankly.
“I mean, you’re throwing these threats around, acting one way one second,
totally different the next. It’s confusing. Scary.”
    Her eyes were burning, darn it. Her nose. Don’t cry.
He’ll think you’re trying to manipulate

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