After the Fall

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Book: After the Fall by Patricia Gussin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Gussin
more patients. Your wife will be back in her room soon.” He turned to go, but turned again to Tim. “You are her husband, aren’t you?”
    â€œFiancé,” Tim said. “Fiancé” just came out of his mouth, like saying it aloud would make it true.

    Jake lurked behind the front door of his home, back pressed against the coolness of the hall mirror, waiting. Calm had replaced frantic planning. He mentally reviewed his checklist. He’d settled on the means and on the weapon—a Smith & Wesson Saturday night special with a suppressor. He’d won it in a in a card game and it had no identifying markings. The basis of his uncomplicated plan: KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Karolee arrives home by cab. Unlocks the front door. Walks into a robbery in progress. Takes a bullet to the chest. Point black. Two bullets—just to be sure.
    Jake’s busy morning had been productive. The rest of his scene staged. He’d selected the burglar’s entry point and he’d gone through the house to make the home invasion look realistic. He hadn’t armed the alarm. “Never do when I’m home alone,” he’d tell the cops. He’d rummaged through Karolee’s jewelry and picked a few expensive pieces to report as missing. Jake wanted to keep Karolee’s more valuable pieces for Addie, but he couldn’t take the chance. He’d put the chosen pieces in one of her jewelry bags, close it securely, and drop it in a public place. If whoever picked it up turned it in, great, he’d get it back. If not, he wouldn’t fucking worry about it.
    As soon as he’d made that decision, the traffic diversion idea he needed came to him suddenly and clearly. Ingenious scenario: on his way from the FDA to his house, his Jeep breaks down.He’d get it towed to a garage, hang around until it was fixed. Alibi established, he’d head home and literally stumble on his wife’s corpse.
    The plan in place, all he had to do now was hope her flight landed on time. He figured when he didn’t show at the airport, Karolee would grab a cab. He didn’t think she’d try to call anyone else for a ride. Karolee was not high on patience, wouldn’t want to wait the extra time for someone to get to the airport. By the time she stormed in through that door, she’d be pretty blind with rage.
    Jake straightened at the sound of a car door slamming. His senses on alert, his gun at the ready, Jake stepped back behind a partially open closet door. From there he’d be hidden from view as she stepped inside. He checked his watch. Twenty after five, only a few minutes after his estimate. Jake heard the key turn in the door, could see the door move. Karolee kicked it open with her boot. Her head was turned so she faced the street as the cab pulled away.
    â€œFuck,” he heard her say as she wrestled her suitcase over the doorsill.
    Jake suspended his breathing as he waited behind the door for her to shove the luggage inside the entryway, let the door slam, and click the bolt into place.
    â€œThat asshole bastard better—”
    â€œGood afternoon, Karolee.” Jake had planned to just shoot her, but the temptation to relish the look on her face proved too much. As he spoke, he extended his arm with the gun, locking his aim on the second button on her camel-colored cashmere coat.
    Her gaping stare registered a quick progression of her disdain, then disbelief, then shock. Her cowhide messenger-style bag slid off her shoulder. As the weight of it hit the ground with a thud, she did not shift her gaze, kept it locked on Jake. Before she could say a word, he shot her point blank in the chest. A lethal shot, but he shot her again.

    Dr. Adawia Abdul sat in the small office off her lab at Replica, perplexed and perturbed. She must talk to Jake about Immunone. Ever since the

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