The Other Man (West Coast Hotwifing)
about me.” She pushed him aside and exited the closet with a provocative saunter that got him hard again. After he’d tried so hard to tamp down his body’s natural reaction. Thank God the shorts were loose.
    Her voice carried from the kitchen. “Thanks so much for all the information, Millie. I’ll keep your card for the next time we’re here.” She held her hand out to Spence. “Baby, we have to get to Ocala by three.”
    He took her hand and the endearment she offered. There was a softness to her features and a difference in the way she walked, a sway that was absent when they’d entered the house. A man would look at her and think sex on a stick. Millie looked and didn’t know what she was seeing, maybe a multiple personality.
    Spencer followed her to the car. It was a good thing it was her rental and she had to do the driving. Because he had plans.
    * * * * *
    “Stop that. I’m going to have an accident.” Zoe trapped his hand on her thigh before it slid under her dress. It was raining again, fat drops that forced her to put the wipers on high.
    “Spoilsport,” he grumbled, but he didn’t stop stroking her thigh.
    Half an hour past that sexy play in the closet, her body was still humming, ready, waiting, begging for more. Spence hadn’t stopped touching her. She’d had to swat him more than once. God help her, she loved it, though. She hadn’t felt this sexy in God knew how long. Yes, there was more to marriage than sex, but she’d missed the desire. She’d missed the flirting.
    They passed through an intersection on the two-lane highway, with one gas station, a small grocery, and a barn on the three corners, an empty lot on the fourth. She didn’t catch the name of the town before it disappeared behind them and the greenery rose on either side of them again, tall, spindly trees. Birch, maybe, he couldn’t be sure.
    He leaned in to nibble her ear. She swatted him once more. “You’re incorrigible.”
    “I’m hot for you, baby. And I didn’t get an orgasm in the closet. Maybe I should drive and you can blow me.”
    She laughed out loud. “I’m not letting you wreck my rental car.” Her mouth watered for him. She should have at least tasted him when they were in the closet.
    “I won’t have an accident. I can come and drive at the same time.”
    She shot a sideways glance at his smug expression. “You’ve had a blow job while driving?”
    He gave her a cocky grin. “For sure, dude. More than once.”
    “You’re a complete slut.”
    “And proud of it,” he quipped.
    But there was more to him. She’d sensed that last night when he’d talked about the young lover who had died.
    In the swish of the wipers, brake lights flashed ahead of her. She slowed and came to rest behind a line of cars. Now that she’d thought about it, she hadn’t seen more than a couple of cars coming in the opposite direction for at least five minutes.
    “What’s going on?” She couldn’t see past the stalled vehicles to determine the holdup, but ahead, drivers were climbing out of their cars.
    “I’ll check,” Spence said.
    “You’ll get soaked.”
    But he’d already opened the door and stepped out into the rain. Rounding the hood, he walked a couple of car lengths, stopped to talk to another driver, then headed back.
    His polo shirt was plastered to his skin, his hair soaked to the color of dark copper. “Tree down across the road. It must have just happened because there’s no emergency vehicles on scene. Some guy’s trying to move it with a winch on his truck, but so far, it’s not budging.
    “Damn.” She didn’t want to have to drive back here tomorrow.
    “Let’s turn around and see if the GPS reroutes us.”
    “All right, fine.” It’s not like they were getting through this way. She eased out until she could see the lane was clear, then made a U-turn. The few cars she’d seen coming from the opposite direction had probably done the same thing.
    “Okay, where

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