The Chieftain's Yule Bride - a Highland Christmas novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions #10)

Free The Chieftain's Yule Bride - a Highland Christmas novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions #10) by Jonnet Carmichael Page A

Book: The Chieftain's Yule Bride - a Highland Christmas novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions #10) by Jonnet Carmichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonnet Carmichael
depths of time.  The world slipped away and she went on tiptoe to put her lips on his cheek, needing to test out what this bond was which had come through the years to them and if he could possibly taste as good as he smelled.  Oh yes he did... and she found her way round to his mouth then, and his arm pulled her tight to him, her breasts tingling against his chest as he kissed her and ran his fingers into her hair.
    She'd started it.  He didn't end it.  And wow, could he kiss...
    This bit she didn't know.  All new to her, this wild steadiness, this feeling of being out of control in the security of his hold, this being kissed as if it were enough in itself instead of a mere cue to having her clothes disappear.
    A low moan rumbled in his chest as their tongues intertwined and his mouth grew harder on hers, demanding more and taking it.  She was playing with fire here and knew it, and still pressed her belly against his hardness, revelling in her power to make Callum MacKrannan burn for her.
    At the castle he had all the power.  Now there were in her home, and Zavier was on a different continent.
    Just once.  Before she was married... Just one night with this handsome big Scot to lay whatever ghosts were haunting them both.  Something primal was surging through her, taking away all her scruples.  She had to have him... this MacKrannan chieftain belonged to her...
    But Callum was gone from her then, scrubbing the heel of his hand over his brow and lunging for the portrait.  He lifted it up and took it through the long hallway to the coatstand where he set it on its side facing the umbrellas.
    Reality check.
    Oh god... what had she done... what kind of easy slapper would he think she was, grinding herself against him like that... what had possessed her to do it?
    "Callum, I'm so sorry!  I don't know what I... you were there and..."
    She broke off as she watched him come back through the hallway, taking great strides as he came straight towards her... and then she was back in his arms again and this time it felt different.  This was just Callum and he started the kiss.  Something was missing and a million  new sensations came in its place.  Her legs would hardly hold her as she swam in the thrill.  A lifetime later he set her away and spoke.
    "Will you stay away longer with me, Freya?"
    Straight invitation and no point denying they'd end up in bed.  Of course she would refuse.  She was engaged, for heavensakes.
    "Yes.  Yes I will."
    "Tomorrow I'll find us a cottage – somewhere we can be alone."
    "No.  Now.  I've had..."  She nearly said Zavier in my bedroom here .  "...I've had enough of your chivalry.  We can go to my room or yours."
    Auntie had lovers here too, men with shaman shirts and long hair tied back in leather thongs.  There wouldn't be a problem.  Callum was being considerate and old-fashioned.  And cottage rentals were all minimum stay of three days, often a week.  That took his intentions out of the category of one-night-stand and don't-tell.  She couldn't get into that, not with a wedding to plan...
    His eyes were now darker than she'd ever seen them.  "You might change your mind tomorrow.  That's the chance I'm giving you."
    "Maybe you'll change your mind, Callum."
    A slow shake of his head.  He closed the space between them and she was being kissed again, her belly clenching something wicked with the thoughts of what he looked like bared and what he would do to her.
    Two years since she'd been with anyone but Zavier.  What was the norm now?  Did the guy bring up the safety subject or was it up to her?  She was too far gone to play by any rules.  "Come to my room.  It's okay, I have... protection in my bag.  I've never done it without."
    "Same for myself on both counts but we'll no' be needing it in this house."
    She wrenched away and pulled at his hand. "Please."
    Callum didn't budge.
    "Lassie, if we were going upstairs for this your feet would no' still be touching the

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