Then & Now

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Book: Then & Now by Kimberly Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Lowe
that all the residents pitched in and gave to Gorge and Gladis for Christmas last year, and turned back just in time to catch Bryant admiring her bottom.  She smiled bluntly back.  “So, can I take that as a ‘yes’ to my invitation?”
    “You can take it as a hell yes.”  He affirmed coming up close to her.  Hitting the alarm on his car, he reached around her and opened the door.
    The smell of his cologne as he leaned past her made her light headed.  Bending forward she took in a deeper breath.  Lord help her, he smelt so good she wanted to sink her lips into the tiny spot of skin between the collar of his suit and his chin.
    “We can stand here or we could go to your apartment.  I do suggest the apartment though.  Because if you keep rubbing against me I might lose it on the gentleman part and I don’t think your neighbors want us going at it on the porch.”  His voice was ruggedly hot against her ear.
    “O-okay.”   She breathed, as she tried to calm the squeezing sensation between her legs.
    When he pulled back his eyes were dark as they met hers.  Amusement tugged at the corners of those brilliant lips.  “Which one is yours?”
    “What?”  His question wouldn’t register.  “What one is mine?”
    He chuckled as he leaned back towards her.  “Which apartment is yours?”
    “Oh, umm….It’s on the second floor.  The first floor is Gorge and Gladis’s.”  She explained without taking her eyes off of his incredible mouth. “We’ll have to take the stairs. There is no elevator.”
    He glanced at the stairs then back.  Sweeping his hand out in front of them, he gestured for her to go first. 
    There was very little talk on the way up, only small comments on the floor and walls.  Once at her door she opened it a little too anxiously.  She was a little too excited to have him there.  Only after he entered did she become utterly apprehensive.  At that moment she realized that she didn’t really know what she was doing.  She had never invited a man in, less they had been dating for a while.  Seeing that she had only crushed on this God-like man, it seemed all the more complicated. 
    Her actions down stairs came at whim.  She really didn’t know if it will come back or if she would totally flub it up.  He did say that he had wanted to ask her out.  But would she keep him interested or have him running out the door?
    “Would you like some coff—” She stopped herself.  The last time she brought the man coffee she practically drown him with it.  “Wine.  Would you like some wine.”
    “Wine would be great, thanks.”  He smiled.
    Rushing to her kitchen she scurried around not wanting him to wait too long for her. Thankfully she had a bottle chilling in the fridge, and two glasses cleaned.  She normally had wine with her dinner it always relaxed her after a long day.
    Hurrying around the short wall that separated the kitchen from living room, she found herself coming to a halt.  The mere essence of him seemed to overwhelm her tiny living room.  She nearly dropped both glasses at the sight of his strong shoulders as they remained straight while he bent to get a better look at a photo on the wall.  She had dreamed of Bryant Sharp being here in her home, she just never thought it would actually happen.
    She must have made some kind of noise because he turned and aimed a heart-stopping smile at her.  “Is this of you and your parents?”
       Nodding, she took small steps in his direction, hopping that she wouldn’t spill on him.  “That was taken a few days before they moved to France.”
    “ France?” He asked taking the goblet gently.
    Did he purposely allow his fingers to linger on hers?  “Yeah, after my father retired they both decided they needed a little adventure.  Which I’m thankful for.  I mean I’m the only child and they get a little over protective.”
    He took a generous sip of wine, before he stated nonchalantly.  “I can’t blame them. 

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