The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

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Book: The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon by Sabel Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabel Simmons
behind the wheel, stabbing the address Logan passed on into the GPS. 
She took off with a screech of tires and the two men in the back grabbed the
safety belts and clipped them in.   Suddenly she slammed on the brakes and they
grunted as they were thrown back by the safety belts.  Her hands gripped the
steering wheel until her knuckles turned white.
    “Who is Dottie?” 
    She ground the question through
clenched lips.  Logan smiled broadly, but refused to answer.  Shane of course,
was a source of information.
    “Oh, she is an old flame of Logan’s. 
They always revive the … embers when he is in town.”
    She swung her head around so fast, it
was a wonder she did not slip a disc.  Her eyes burned into Logan’s, who tried
as he might, could not get rid of the smile on his face.
    Shane watched the interlude with
fascination.  Clearly something happened between the two he was not privy to.
    “Not this time they’re not!”
    Logan’s eyebrow rose and Shane smiled
for the first time.  Maybe his brother has met his match at last!
    “We’re not?”
    “They’re not?”
    The brothers asked in unison. 
Madison’s eyes remained on Logan; the warning and message in hers very clear to
    “Not it you know what is good for
    “Then I suppose you will have to join
us for dinner.  Did you bring an evening dress, Wildcat?”
    “I am not joining you for dinner.  I
am your employee, not your chattel.  I pilot your planes and chopper and now
drive your damn cars.  I’ll be damned if I have to choke on food while watching
you flirt with … Dottie!”
    She turned back and the car shot
    “What kind of name is Dottie in any
    The laughter in the back seat incensed
her even more and she took the next turn so sharply the seatbelts nearly cut
the air from their lungs.
    “Maddy, please remember I am also in
the car and I am totally innocent, I promise!  Would you please slow down?”
    “For you Shane, anything you ask.”
    “Anything?”  He asked with interest.
    “NO! I warned you in the Bistro
already, Shane!”
    “But she …”
    “She nothing. She has no bloody idea
what she wants!”
    She slammed on the brakes and snatched
her head around to glare at him.
    “I know bloody well enough what I
    “Really?  So enlighten us then.”
    “What I want, Logan Dalton, you can’t
give me!”
    “How do you know?”
    She barked a laugh and parked the SUV
in front of the office block where their first meeting was to be held.
    “If you hurry, you might still be on
    Logan glanced at his watch and cursed. 
He hated arriving late for meetings.  They grabbed their bags and ran into the
building. Logan took the time to tell her over his shoulder.
    “We’ll continue this conversation
after the meeting.  In the meantime, behave yourself!”
    She groaned and dropped her head on
the steering wheel.  What beseeched her?  Last night she came to the conclusion
that she and Logan did not want the same things.  They had one exquisite night
together.  A night she would never forget, but that was it.  No more!  She
decided from today it was employer and employee and nothing else!  And what did
she do?  She acted like a … like a … jealous wife!
    A knock on the window shook her from
her musings and she lifted her head.  Concerned blue eyes locked with hers and
she sighed.  She pressed the button and the window whizzed open.
    “Are you okay, Miss?  You seemed
    “I am fine, thank you for asking.”
    “Name is Owen Brown.”
    She shook his hand briefly.  “Madison
    “Are you waiting for someone or do you
have time for a quick cup of coffee?  There is a coffee shop right there on the
    “I am waiting for someone, but their
meeting is scheduled for an hour.  Why not?  I could do with some coffee.”  
She locked the car and walked with him to the coffee shop.
    He was tall and lean with blond hair
and clear blue eyes.  He had

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