to nod back at him slightly.
He turned back around as the family in front were just finishing off, wondering who the lad was and if he would actually get to see him again.
"I bet that he'll be getting a broom, did you see him; the lad at the back who just left?" the boy said to his father.
"I was sorting the money Colin, I can't do two thing's at once," his father said.
"He's in Cadell..." Colin told them, and then added thoughtfully. "But I'm sure that those other two he was with were in Disa,"
"If you know him why didn't you say something?" his mother asked him.
"Well, we have a class together but we're not really best mates or anything," Colin said as they walked away.
Well that answered his question, he'd definitely get to see him again when they met up at school, hopefully though he won't act like a complete idiot next time.
"Morning," the man behind the desk said gruffly through his think long breed, his hair was just like his breed as though it was one and you couldn't see what he was wearing because his breed was so long and the desk seemed a little high for him.
"Hello, I'd like to change £250 off my card please," Anne told him showing her card to him.
He snatched the card off of her and pulled out a red stone which he put the card in even though one moment it didn't seem to have a slot for it but it did now, he placed it on the counter as he filled out the paper work and the stone began to flash; once he had finished scribbling on the paper he passed it over the counter with a pen not looking up from his work grunting to the parts that he wanted Anne to sign.
Anne signed all the papers to the parts that had been pointed out to her while Will stood on his tiptoes to try and look at what she was doing, but he couldn't really make anything out and then she passed them back over; the man snatched them out of her hand and then flicked through them to make sure that she had done what he had supposedly told her to do.
The stone stopped flashing, he pulled it back down and took her card out handing it back to her and snatching the papers checking that they were all signed before he stapled them together and a draw opened to his left; they could hear cluttering as he sorted their money for them placing it on the counter before them in five piles.
"Our money is called Silronze," he told them. "Large gold worth 20, large silver worth 10, small gold worth 5, small silver worth 2, small bronze worth 1/2; one pound worth three Silronze, understand?"
"Yes...I think," Anne answered as she already knew what the money was, but didn't really have the heart to tell him, considering that he hadn't realised already considering that the card she had given him was also connect to her magical account.
"You have seven hundred and fifty Silronze's," the man told them. "Twenty eight large gold, eleven large silver, ten small gold, twenty small silver and twenty small bronze which is one hundred."
He put them into a small green velvet pull up purse, and then handed it to Anne along with a small piece of paper that had what each coin was worth and the exchange rate.
"Thank you," Anne said.
"Will we really need that much?" Will asked her surprised that she had exchanged so much money.
"Probably, but it’ll still come in handy even if I don’t use it all today," Anne answered.
Will walked a little in front of her as she put the purse into her bag, not wanting to be carrying it out of the bank for all to see; Will wanted to get outside so that he could start spending the money as soon as possible.
"We can start buying my school thing's now right?" Will asked excitedly.
"Yes," Anne answered. "We'll get your uniform first seeing that it's not far from here,"
They walked across to the main doors which again opened by themselves outwards, they walked out into the sun light and down the main steps turning back up the road where they had