Langdown Manor

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Book: Langdown Manor by Sue Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Reid
giggle outside made me and Sarah look up. We both knew who it was. A moment later Ivy bounced into the room. She flopped down on the sofa next to us. ‘All finished then, Ivy?’ I said tartly.
    â€˜Near enough,’ she said. She curled up in a corner of the sofa. ‘Just need to rest my legs a mo. Ooh, they ache.’ She gave a grimace and began to rub them.
    Sarah and I looked at each other. Did she think we were stupid? We knew she’d been out in the corridor and we knew with whom.
    â€˜It’ll be the staff ball in a few weeks’ time,’ I said. ‘Have you got anything to wear, Ivy?’
    â€˜Staff ball?’ She looked blankly at us.
    â€˜Yes,’ I said. ‘The family throws a huge party for their staff and tenants before they go to London for the season. There’ll be dancing—’
    â€˜â€”and entertainment,’ Sarah said, looking at me, the temptation to tease Ivy getting too much for her. I felt my lips twitch.
    Ivy’s eyes gleamed. ‘That’ll be me then, won’t it?’
    If Ivy’s head got any bigger she’d not get it through the door.
    â€˜You’ll not be short of partners,’ Sarah said, catching my eye again.
    â€˜You mean ’im, do you? Whatsisname? Robert?’ Ivy looked bored. ‘I can do better than ’im.’
    â€˜How much better?’ Sarah said.
    â€˜That’d be saying. But he’s not what I’m after.’
    She only wanted an audience, I thought. But I didn’t feel like indulging her – not tonight. I turned back to the habit, and picked up the brush I’d put down.
    But Ivy hadn’t finished.
    â€˜I never was meant to be in service, you know,’ she said.
    â€˜No?’ Sarah said. We exchanged a glance.
    â€˜I had expectations.’
    â€˜Really?’ said Sarah, innocently. ‘What sort?’
    I felt a giggle rise and looked away.
    â€˜Oh,’ Ivy said, giving an airy wave of her arm. ‘We were rich, but we lost all our money when Father died. My life would have been very different if he hadn’t. Father never wanted me to go into service.’
    I couldn’t resist it.
    â€˜So you belong upstairs, do you, Ivy?’ I said.
    I heard Sarah stifle a snort. Ivy didn’t seem to hear or if she did, she took no notice.
    â€˜Well, we’d had servants of our own, you know,’ she said.
    â€˜A butler and your own personal lady’s maid, I suppose,’ said Sarah. I stuffed my face in the habit. It was too much.
    Ivy was a performer. You never knew when she was being Ivy, or pretending to be someone else. ‘There’s no accounting for fortune,’ I said when I was able to speak again.
    â€˜You what?’ Ivy looked perplexed.
    Let her chew on it, I thought, picking up the habit. I’d had enough of the game, besides I had things to do. I got up and Sarah got up, too.
    â€˜I’ll come with you, Jess.’
    We were barely outside the sitting room, when we collapsed in giggles. ‘Does she really think we’d swallow all that?’ I exclaimed.
    â€˜I suppose they could have had an odd job man for the heavy work and a girl come in to help her mam.’
    â€˜Just added a bit of garnish to the facts,’ I said.
    We laughed.
    As we passed the scullery I saw a pile of pans still unwashed by the sink. ‘She won’t last long,’ Sarah said, nodding at them.
    â€˜I know someone who won’t be sorry,’ I said.
    Sarah nudged me. ‘Sssh. Look.’
    â€˜Maddie,’ she hissed.
    The kitchen door was open. Maddie was marching down the passage towards the scullery. She swept past us without a glance. ‘Ivy’ll catch it,’ Sarah murmured, ‘when Maddie sees those dirty pans.’
    We were halfway up the stairs when a shout of fury reached us. ‘You’re right, she won’t last long,’ I said. But I’d be sorry. Ivy made me

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