Dark Tide (A Mated by Magic Novel)

Free Dark Tide (A Mated by Magic Novel) by Stella Marie Alden, Chantel Seabrook Page B

Book: Dark Tide (A Mated by Magic Novel) by Stella Marie Alden, Chantel Seabrook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stella Marie Alden, Chantel Seabrook
by her ear.
    She exhaled an unsteady breath. It could never be just sex. At least not for her. Their powers were too in tune, their bond undeniable.
    Was she willing to risk losing her heart for carnal pleasure?
    Brown eyes glimmered in the darkness, watching her, waiting for her consent.
    Overwhelming craving won out over common sense. She gave a small nod, and it was all he needed.
    His hands dove into her hair, his mouth crashed against hers, in a desperate kiss. Lips and tongues merged. His taste, his essence, traveled through her system like a potent drug, stripping away all self-control.
    Their clothes lay discarded in a trail across the floor, leading to the bedroom.
    The heat of his touch was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.
    Even though it wasn’t solstice and their powers wouldn’t merge, his fire power raged inside her, aching to join.
    By the time they made it to the bed, she was a trembling mess of arousal and lust.
    “Lay back for me,” he said, his voice husky, and rough.
    The soft satin of the bedspread cooled her skin, a sharp comparison to the heat that radiated off his mouth as he licked and kissed a trail down her breasts, stomach, hips and thighs. 
    He cupped her breast, teasing the hard nipple. His other hand spread her thighs, while his mouth teased and tormented the sensitive flesh between her legs.
    Her fingers dug into his shoulders, her clit throbbing in need. His gaze was on her, dark with intent, as his tongue began to tease the tortured little nub, sucking, licking, until she threw her head back and cried out his name, arching into the pleasure of it, riding the waves of her orgasm.
    He moved over her, spreading her thighs with his knees. In the dim light, she could see the cocky grin on his face.
    Hell, he had every reason to be smug.
    When he entered her in one swift motion, his mouth collided with hers, devouring her breathless moan.
    He filled her completely, and the sensation overpowered her. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. It was so good.
    “Maya.” He moaned her name on his lips like a prayer.
    His hips rocked against hers and each stroke of his cock brought her to a new point of ecstasy. The tension continued to build with every thrust, until her body once again screamed for release.
    “That’s it, Maya.” His voice was harsh, thick, filled with a desperation that matched hers. “Come for me.”
    Her mouth opened in a soundless cry and her body convulsed, spasmed around the thick length of him. Suddenly, a storm of sensations exploded.
    His own shuddering release spilled inside her, and intensified the last waves of her pleasure.
    For a long moment, neither of them moved. She wasn’t sure she could even if she wanted to. Finally, with a heavy sigh, Josh rolled onto his back, pulling her against his side.
    The gesture was more intimate than she’d hoped for, but she knew the rules. He’d made them clear.
    Sex. That’s all this was. In a few weeks’ time he’d be gone, and she’d have to resume her life without him.
    Fully satiated, she fell into a deep sleep, wondering if she would survive the heartbreak she knew was sure to come.

Chapter 12
    Alex’s cheek stung from where the Russian clan leader had hit her. Since arriving on the yacht earlier that morning, the man had been on a never-ending rampage.
    She sat in the middle of a tiny stainless steel room, complete with matching table, and a drain in the center. It wasn’t a stretch to imagine her blood washing down the tiled floor. Especially with a hose coiled neatly in the corner and the many knives sitting on a nearby table. She shivered in her metal folding chair when the arctic AC blew upon her bare shoulders.
    “You dare bring a Fialko onto my boat,” Gregor Uragan spit out in broken English, his face inches from hers.
    The man was pure fucking evil. He was the devil incarnate, with thick salt and pepper hair.
    A wild vortex swirled in the black centers of his piercing blue

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