Lethal Liaisons (Willful Women Assassins Series)

Free Lethal Liaisons (Willful Women Assassins Series) by Randall S. Smith Page B

Book: Lethal Liaisons (Willful Women Assassins Series) by Randall S. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randall S. Smith
Saloon Girls take no grief from those rowdy characters in this spoof of the Old
West. Sarah wears two six-guns and knows how to use them.
Testing - Volume four of the assassin series; assassin-mercenaries, their
missions, romances and sex lives. Some segments bisexual or of a
lesbian nature. The reader gets introduced to a new sex-party theme.
Adult erotica.
Terror - The fifth volume of the assassin series, this story follows the
girls to Asia, where their adventures continue, with a surprise
ending. Some segments are of a bisexual or lesbian nature.
    That Old
House on Delaney Street is home to Mama, who uses an ax and a buzz saw to ensure her will be
done. She and Papa keep a pair of teens prisoner for special games in
their dreary basement. BDSM.
Sinclair Affair tells of a young orphan woman who survives an assassination attempt
to discover she may have a twin. She takes her newly-acquired Glock
and silencer to the big city as she attempts to find her, having many
adventures along the way.
in Toyland is a short adult fantasy tale of a wicked Queen and the young woman
who defeats her (sexual content).

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