The Chocolate Meltdown

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Book: The Chocolate Meltdown by Lexi Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Connor
contagious, but she still hesitated before giving each of them a kiss.
    “Dad. Mom. Mr. Bishop taught me an invisibility spell today at magic tutoring, and just when I was invisible, Madame Mel and the Dismantle Squad came and took Mr. Bishop away. They think he’s the chocolate poisoner.”
    “You learned an invisibility spell, B?” her mother said. “That’s nice.”
    “But, Mom!” B said. “Aren’t you shocked by the news? It can’t be Mr. Bishop!”
    “We’re not shocked, because we already knew,” B’s dad said, sipping his elm bark soda. “Madame Mel called to tell me. She’s keeping me posted on the investigation, including their progress with suspects.”
    B’s backpack fell to the floor. “Don’t tell me you think Mr. Bishop actually did this!”
    “Don’t shout,” her father said, wincing. “We both have whopping headaches.”
    B’s mom opened her eyes wearily. “We certainly hope it’s not Mr. Bishop who poisoned the chocolate. But we don’t know anything for sure.”
    B sank into an easy chair. Her black cat, Nightshade, leaped into her lap, and B stroked himabsentmindedly. All of this was beyond horrible. “What about that Mr. Jameson, the fruit guy?” she said. “His son Jason is the nastiest kid in school.”
    “He’s a suspect, definitely,” B’s dad said, rubbing his temples. “But why would he want to sabotage one of his own accounts?”
    “Guess what I discovered his son was doing today,” B began, but she was interrupted by her dad’s Crystal Ballphone ringing. He reached into his pocket with difficulty to pull it out.
    “Hello, Felix?” Madame Mel’s distinct voice boomed through the speaker, loud enough for everyone to hear. “We’re making some progress in our investigation.”
    “Yes. Listen, can I stop by to fill you in?”
    “Okay, see you soon.”
    And before B’s dad could snap his phone shut and slide it back into his pocket, there she stood, in their living room. Even B, who was used to magical exits and entrances, was startled.
    “Afternoon, folks,” Madame Mel said, nodding to B and her parents. She handed B’s dad a scroll of yellow parchment. “Official lab results are back. No question about it. The chocolate” — she peered ominously through her spectacles — “was poisoned by a potion.”
    B let this news sink in. It couldn’t be Jason Jameson, then. Or his dad. They were both off the list. “That means …” she began.
    “That means,” Madame Mel took over, “that the poisoner is definitely one of us.”
    “But who would do that?” B said. “Why would a witch want to make other witches lose their magic?”
    Madame Mel’s face was grim. “I don’t know,” she said, “but when I find out …” She stopped herself, then patted B’s mom on the shoulder. “Don’t you worry,” she said, “the medical lab is working night and day to find a remedy. Don’t lose hope yet.”
    The next day at school B saw a smudge of chocolate on Jason Jameson’s mouth in homeroom. After art class, she caught him pulling a fistful of chocolates out of his locker and stuffing them into his mouth.Even if he wasn’t the Fabulous Fruits poisoner, he was still a rotten snitch.
    “Thought you weren’t allowed to eat chocolate, Jason,” she said. “Fruit is nature’s candy, remember?”
    “Mind your beeswax, Bumblebee,” Jason sneered, reaching for another handful.
    B was so angry, she practically saw spots. “I know what you did with the Fabulous Fruits you stole from me yesterday,” she hissed. “You will never, ever be allowed into the Enchanted Chocolates factory again.”
    “What do I care?” Jason sneered. “Who needs your pathetic chocolate, when I’ve been promised a lifetime supply of Pluto Candies?”
    “Serves you right, then,” B said, “since apparently you love chocolate-covered dog food.”
    By the time they reached English class, Jason was looking sickly green, and walking

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