Belonging to Bandera

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Authors: Tina Leonard
the bakery afterward? Would he…would he…
    Mimi’s heart tore. There was so much she’d been afraid to say.
    But then Mason had left before she could tell him her feelings.
    She stood, turning out the tiny lamp beside Nanette’s bed. It wasn’t too late to say what needed to be said. It was, however, too late to continue being afraid of losing Mason.
    Whatever happened, whether they remained friends or became something more, was less important than Nanette growing up knowing what was right and wrong and knowing the truth about her world.
    Mimi picked up her overnight bag, knowing Nanette was in good hands with Grandpa and the myriad “aunts and uncles” who liked to come visit. Mimi wouldn’t be gone long.
    Just long enough to finally put the past to rest.
    B ANDERA AND H OLLY CAUGHT up with Mason, Marielle, Cousin Mike and Hawk in the arroyo. It wasn’t, Bandera mused, exactly the way he’d meant to introduce Holly to the tracker, but apparently, Hawk liked to hold his gatherings among Indian totems, near a cave hidden behind large, spiky bushes.
    “Sheesh, Hawk,” he said. “We might never have found this place if you hadn’t told us where to look.”
    “Who’s this?” Hawk demanded.
    “Holly. She’s…finding herself.”
    Hawk grunted. Holly held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said.
    Hawk shook her hand briefly, then turned back around to look at Mason. “Dude, did you have to bring a whole brigade with you?”
    “It didn’t start out that way,” Mason said wryly. “When I left this morning, it was just me.” He sent a glare toward Bandera, but his brother just shrugged.
    “This is where Ranger married Hannah,” Hawk said. “I performed the ceremony.”
    “Really?” Holly’s eyes glowed, the wedding planner in her coming alive, Bandera supposed. “Kind of hard to get the wedding party in here.”
    Hawk grimaced. “The wedding party rolled down the hill into the arroyo, after stepping on a poisonous plant. The howl could be heard for miles.”
    Holly blinked. Bandera hid a smile. “This isn’t really the right spot to think about planning a wedding,” he told her.
    “Oh, I’m not,” she said. “I’m not planning weddings anymore. I’ve decided upon a new business.”
    “You have?” Bandera said. “Already?”
    “Yes. I’m going to open the Honeymoon Balloons company, complete with hot air balloon, secluded cabin and lavish food service. Very secluded. Very romantic. Think bed-and-breakfast in the air.”
    He stared at her. “You are nuts.”
    “Ahem.” Hawk cleared his throat. “Mason has something on his mind.”
    They all sat on rocks in the canyon. Holly perched as far away from Bandera as possible, he noticed, probably annoyed at his lack of support for her business idea. But how was a man supposed to react to such a crazy idea?
    Then again, he thought, I’m sitting in a canyon with a medicine man, a couple of perfect strangers and a runaway bride. What was normal about that?
    Holly shifted on her rock, staring at Mason as he spoke. Bandera barely listened as his brother outlined his proposal to Hawk. Bandera was concentrating on Holly’s pursed lips. Maybe she wasn’t pursing, he thought. They were just naturally plump and kissable and inviting—
    “Bandera,” Hawk said, his tone annoyed. “Are you with us?”
    “With who?” he asked, snapped from his musings.
    “With me and Mason. I’m heading to Alaska to look for information on your father. Cousin Mike is going to escort Marielle back home, and Holly is…”
    His voice trailed off.
    “I’m fine,” Holly said brightly. “I was planning on riding with my cousin, anyway. I can go back home with him. I want to stop at that balloon festival and ask some questions.”
    Marielle perked up. “I’ve got some land near my motorcycle shop you could rent from me, which would be perfect for that type of getaway.”
    Holly beamed. “I’ll go with you, then. Thanks.”
    Something nettled

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