Step Brother: Off Limits

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Book: Step Brother: Off Limits by Jayna King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayna King
Tags: Romance
    “I overheard Tina telling him she had a surefire way to guarantee a win.”
    “That sounds like trouble.”
    “Yeah. She’d found a guy who could fix the election outcome … for a price, of course. Donald told her he didn’t want anything to do with paying off the company that maintains the voting booth equipment. Apparently there’s a sliding scale for a win. The mayor’s race is worth a hundred thousand dollars.”
    “You overheard all this?”
    “I did. Donald said no.”
    “A hundred thousand dollars, huh?”
    “That’s what she said.”
    “I assume you don’t just write a personal check for something like that. Did she say how it was supposed to go down?”
    “I didn’t hear that part. Donald stopped her, and I didn’t want to get caught eavesdropping. I walked into the room and it was business as usual.” He took a bite of his omelet. “Delicious. But it’s time for you to spill it, girl. I’ve told you a secret. You have to tell me what you know.”
    I took a deep breath and pulled the folder out of my briefcase. The way Stanford had talked about my dad made me believe I could trust him. “This arrived at my office today. I don’t know who sent it, but it has to either be an attorney or someone who handled my dad’s finances, maybe an accountant? Anyway, who sent it doesn’t matter as much as what’s in it.” I handed him the folder and sat down on the barstool to let him draw his own conclusions.
    He read the documents carefully, more carefully than I had, studying them for several minutes before he looked up at me. “There’s more than a hundred thousand dollars for the payoff in this account,” he said.
    “And it’s only in Tina’s name.”
    He sighed. “I think she’s stolen it from him. I don’t think he knows about it, at least not yet.”
    “Technically, she didn’t steal a thing. Her name’s on the account, which means she can legally withdraw the money.” I pointed to both their names on the investment account. “I’ve never been very informed about his finances. Do you know how soon he’ll notice the missing money?”
    Stanford shook his head. “Not really. I think he reviews his investments with one of the people at the equity group twice a year, but I don’t know when they’re slated to meet.”
    “So it could be tomorrow, or it could be six months from now.”
    “I have a general idea of what’s on his calendar from week to week. If I had to guess I’d say it’s at least a month out. I don’t recall seeing that meeting scheduled in the next thirty days.”
    “Shit. So if he’s not going to see it, she could get even more.”
    “That’s a possibility.”
    “What are we going to do?” I stood up and started to pace between the kitchen and living room. “I’m afraid if I accuse her of this, she’ll lie to Dad, and he’ll believe her.”
    Stanford watched me pace. “I think you’re half right. She’ll lie for sure, but your dad wouldn’t take her word against yours, not if you had proof.”
    “I guess I could just show him the statements.”
    “You could. But what if she convinces him the money’s for something else?”
    “Like what? It’s almost two hundred thousand dollars.”
    “I don’t know. A sailboat? A trip around the world?” He stood up and crossed the room to where I stood in front of the window. “Tatum, I know you don’t like Tina, but I’m not sure you understand how far she’ll go to keep her gravy train. Do you realize she spent eight thousand dollars on spa treatments last month?”
    “What? How do you even do that? Does Dad know?”
    “I don’t know if he knows or even cares, but I overheard her talking to a friend on the phone. It was like she was gloating.”
    “Good God, remind me to never try to have a private conversation with you in the building.”
    Stanford laughed. “I don’t trust her. I haven’t from the moment I met her, and I don’t want to see her screw

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