Mark of Caine Trilogy: Book One: Hidden in the Shadows (Victorian Villains)

Free Mark of Caine Trilogy: Book One: Hidden in the Shadows (Victorian Villains) by Catherine Lloyd Page A

Book: Mark of Caine Trilogy: Book One: Hidden in the Shadows (Victorian Villains) by Catherine Lloyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Lloyd
frequently set apart from other boys and men. Walter Sterling
had been a godsend, one of the few gentlemen who understood the young prince
and could talk to him, man to boy.
    Why did he have to spoil it by encouraging
Louise in her adolescent crush? The twenty-six- year-old regimental officer
must’ve known this would happen! He had experience with the opposite sex before
this. He took advantage is what he did. He took advantage of a silly, sheltered
young girl, and now there was Louise’s friend, Miss Mayhew, making things
worse! Stories of an illegitimate child that had been spirited away—the scandal
sheets would have a field day with such a story if they got hold of it.
was he? Why did he not send word? Laura Mayhew must
not reach London, God forbid. Queen Victoria paced her bedchamber. Perhaps she
should write the director of Gateshead Insane Asylum enquiring after her
charge. His response could be illuminating. It was better than not knowing
anything at all.
    She sat down at her desk and took up pen
and paper to compose her message. It crossed her mind then that there was
something else to worry about. She remembered Laura Mayhew as being an
exceedingly pretty girl. Far too pretty for a
lady-in-waiting. Victoria had warned Louise against the friendship. And
yet, until this, Laura had proven a true and loyal friend.
    She had a moment’s uneasiness, recalling
the delicate, arresting beauty of the girl. Thus far, Mr. Caine had shown himself to be resistant to a pretty woman with a well-turned
ankle—unlike other men in her household—men such as Lieutenant Sterling.
    Nevertheless, Tanner Caine was not a monk and he would be alone with his mark all night. Longer perhaps; there
was still the journey to Dorset and Laura Mayhew was a cunning little minx....
    Victoria shook off her misgivings. No, what
she was thinking was inconceivable. She had absolute confidence in her man.
Tanner Caine had a heart as black as coal and he was
as mean as a snake. He would not fall for a pair of pretty eyes and a beguiling
smile any more than Queen Victoria herself would.


    “I DO NOT appreciate being taken for a
    She dragged her bodice over her bare
shoulders. She had lost her hair ribbon somewhere and then remembered it got
stuck in the bramble bush. Her fingers trembled as she refastened the hooks.
    Laura could not look Tanner Caine in the eye without giving herself away. Her gift of
second sight had failed her utterly with this man. She was at his mercy,
dependent on his whims and caprices, unable to adapt her conversation or her
personality to suit his expectations. Meeting expectations was the method of
survival she had employed all her life. But with Tanner Caine it was as if a dark cloak had come down. The one man it meant life and death to
know was a mystery to her.
    He stood at the hearth, his shirt hanging
open over his breeches. He’d dressed without haste or shame after he’d moved
off her. Tanner did not seem to feel he had done anything wrong. Legally he had not , Laura reminded
herself. Taking a wife’s virtue is not a
    His hair hung in his scowling eyes. Leaning
against the hearthstone, his visage appeared diabolical, “I thought it would go
easier for you if you didn’t know what to expect. I am not sorry.”
    Laura glanced at him sharply. “We come to
the truth at last.” She was not frightened, only bitterly angry. “When did you
first conceive the idea of violating my person?”
    “When you undressed for me in the hedge
maze,” he replied with cool arrogance. “Are you going to be troublesome about
    “I did not undress for you—I undressed and you were there. Troublesome? Nay, I shall not be troublesome. I am at your service, husband. Why the delay?
Fetch your weapon out of you pants and have a go at me again. Come on. I
promise I won’t cry out this time.”
    “On the contrary, your cries of pleasure
gave me every indication you were enjoying yourself. A rare

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