Indecent (The Cage Sessions Book 1)
seat for better access, I
continue fucking myself, every once in a while checking to see if
anyone can see what I'm doing.
    I picture Damien Cage's tats as he rides me.
I pretend the dildo is his cock, exploding in hot white cream.
    Then reality interrupts.
    I notice a chance to get off the highway. My
exit is the next one, so I decide to pull into the breakdown lane
and just sneak up.
    I glance in the mirror and see nothing
coming. So I zip over and round the bend, stepping on the gas. I'm
driving illegally in the breakdown lane, but it will only be for a
few seconds.
    Hang on baby, I say to my pussy, we're almost home.
    As I'm halfway around the bend, my exit
coming right up, I scream.
    In front of me is a Florida State Trooper
with his hand up.
    I slam on the brakes.
    He saunters up to my window. I fumble to get
it open. My right hand is still on the base of the dildo, hidden
deep inside me.
    "I'm sorry, officer," I said.
    "Are you?" he said. "Because I really don't
believe you are."
    He's about fifty with gray clipped hair.
Pudgy face, big shoulders, expanding gut.
    "License and registration, please," he
    "Yes, officer," I say.
    Fuck, what do I do? To get my license and car
registration in the glove compartment, I need to use my left hand
because the right is holding in the dildo.
    With my left, I dive over to the glove
compartment and open it.
    "Excuse me, miss?" says the trooper.
    I look over at him through the gap between my
arm and my breast.
    "Uh-huh?" I say.
    "What are you hiding down there?" he
    Had to ask, didn't he?
    "Nothing illegal, officer," I say. "No drugs,
no weapons, nothing like that."
    "Hands where I can see them!" he says.
    "But officer, I–"
    "Hands where I can see them NOW!"
    I raise my hands up.
    "Step out of the car please!" he says.
    Today just isn't my day, is it?
    "Officer," I say, "I–"
    "Hands where I can see them!" he shouts.
    Now he's got his silly gun out, pointing it
at me with both hands.
    Are you fucking kidding, buddy? Really?
    My heart starts beating wildly and I'm in a
full-on sweat. Adrenaline is pumping through my bloodstream. Never
had a fucking gun pointed at me before.
    Cars are swerving left now, cutting a wide
swath as they stare at the scene.
    "Step out of the car!" he says.
    I open the door and gingerly get out, hoping
the dong will fall out onto the car floor.
    But no.
    My panties keep it in just long enough for me
to stand up.
    Thanks, panties. Glad you got my back
    Then the weight of the dildo allows it to
slide past them.
    Right onto the ground.
    With a little bounce and a flop.
    The cop looks down, his gun still pointed at
    Everyone stopped next to us looks down.
    The cop tries to suppress a laugh, but it
comes out as a snort.
    He holsters his weapon.
    I hear whistles from somewhere.
    The cop, visibly embarrassed, puts on as
square a face as he can muster.
    "Pick that up please, miss," he says.
    I pick it up. It jiggles and flops all over
the place.
    "Woo-hoo!" shouts someone from a car.
    "Hey!" shouts the cop, scanning the drivers'
faces for who said it.
    Here's where I do something that I can't
believe I do. It just hits me. I don't know if it was my nerves,
the mad adrenaline, or just the fact that the crowd was watching me
and I got caught. Something about getting caught doing something
bad kicks me up a notch.
    So as his attention is away from me and on
the crowd, I hold the dildo up and give it a big lick on the side
that didn't touch the pavement.
    When he turns back to me, I innocently throw
it in the car. I see a few thumbs-ups and fist pumps behind
    "Distracted driving is a serious issue,
miss," he says.
    "Yes, officer," I say, "I'm sorry."
    "So is driving in the breakdown lane. I don't
care how much of a rush you're in to get somewhere. You can't just
drive in the breakdown lane. Now, I'm going to write you a ticket
for that alone. Hand me your license and registration and then sit
back in your car."
    I get in

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