The Cracksman's Kiss

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Book: The Cracksman's Kiss by Killarney Sheffield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Killarney Sheffield
stool and ran in search of her husband. Flushed and breathless she almost reached the bottom of the stairs when the earl hobbled passed.
    He gave her a cross look when he spotted her, his snowy w hite brows coming to an ominous point. “How many times must I tell you not to bound down the stairs in such an undignified manner, girl?”
    She slowed, forcing herself to a more sedate pace down the remaining two steps, hard pressed to hide her grin and too happy to be brought low by his scolding. “I need to speak with you my lord, right now, if you please. It is important.”
    The earl scowled at her. “I am sure whatever is on your mind could have waited until you made a more ladylike decent.”
    “I am sorry, my lord, I was sure you would want to hear my news right away.”
    He snorted and shook his head. “Well, what is it then?”
    Kassie paused, not sure exactly how to say what was on her mind in a delicate way.
    He frowned at her reluctance. “Spit it out, girl!”
    “It has come to my attention, well, I may be with child, my lord.”
    His eyebrows rose to attention and then gave her a twisted grimace which might pass for a smile before bellowing, “Bernard.”
    The butler came on the run from down the hallway. “Yes, my lord?”
    The earl tucked her hand in the crook of his arm. “Bernard, summon a physician right away so I may confirm Lady Everton’s good news.”
    Bernard cast a doubtful look her way and hurried to do as he was bid.
    The earl escorted Kassie back up the stairs. “Now tell me girl, why do you think you are with child?”
    “Well, my lord, you are aware I was poorly on the ship. However, since we have been on solid land these past two days I have felt no better. My maid claims I might have what they call morning sickness.” She hugged the idea of a child tight in her heart.
    The earl nodded. When they reached Kassie’s room he u shered her inside. “I want Lady Everton to rest in bed until the physician gets here. Go get her a breakfast tray. She is not to be running up and down the stairs,” he lectured the maid. When Sally nodded and left, the earl patted Kassie’s hand. “Do as you are told like a good girl and get back into bed. I will send the physician straight up when he arrives.” He favored her with another of his odd twisted smiles and left the room.
    She climbed into bed and hugged herself. Finally, I have pleased him.
    * * * *
    Kassie settled back against the pillows with a joyous smile as the physician repacked his medical bag. She looked up as the earl entered the room.
    “Well?” he prompted the younger man.
    The doctor smiled. “Congratulations, my lord. Lady Everton is indeed with child. Everything looks just fine. She should rest, do light exercise, and get plenty of fresh air every day. If all goes well she should deliver a fine healthy infant approximately eight months from now.”
    The earl’s smiled faded . He face stiffened into a stony mask of anger. “Are you sure you have calculated right, young man? Is it not customary for a child to be born nine months or so after conception?”
    The doctor looked puzzled for a moment. “Yes, my lord, yo u are quite right. Eight months from now would be February. I expect the child to arrive the last week in February. If you will excuse me now, I have another patient to attend.”
    The earl nodded and Bernard escorted the doctor from the room.
    Kassie froze at the look of contempt on the earl’s face. Oh God! The child I carry is not the earl’s. There was no other answer, and she had lain with no man except her husband, other than the night the mysterious stranger visited her bed.
    “Well?” the earl snarled. “What explanation do you have for this miracle, girl? I have not lain with you these three months past and yet you are only one month pregnant.”
    Kassie watched in horror as the earl advanced on her in fury.
    “Well?” he spat, his face turning an alarming shade of red.
    She flinched and shrank

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