Restless Heart

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Book: Restless Heart by Wynonna Judd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wynonna Judd
    He glanced away and hesitated just long enough for her to believe she was right.
    But all he said was, “It’s getting late. I need to get going and you need to get some shut-eye.”
    “I’m sure you do, too.”
    “Right. Just remember that I’m always just a phone call away and I want to hear from you, Destiny. To share good news and to bend my ear with frustrations. I didn’t know hard this has been for you and you deserve more support than you’ve been given.”
    “Thanks, Seth.” Destiny wished she could read his expression, because for some reason his offer sounded like both a beginning and closure wrapped up together. “Are you coming to Back in the Saddle to hear me sing tomorrow night?”
    “I wouldn’t miss it. Well, as long as you want me in the audience?”
    “Of course I do. Why would you even ask that?”
    “I didn’t want to add to any nerves you might be feeling.”
    “No, I really want you there. The moral support would be awesome. I’ve done lots of open mike nights over the past four years and landed a small gig here and there, but to be a regular would be a giant leap forward. I could develop new songs, work on my stage presence, and try to get over my stage fright . . .”
    “Stage fright?” he echoed in surprise. “ You ?”
    “Mercy me . . . yes . My heart starts pumping like a jackhammer when I have to get up onstage. I get light-headed and weak-kneed even in front of small audiences. I can’t imagine being in front of thousands.”
    “Well, you’d better start imagining it, because it’s gonna happen.”
    “You think?”
    “I know . Believe in yourself, Destiny. Get rid of any negative thoughts. Listen, I’ve seen baseball players who have the talent but not the drive. If this is really what you want, don’t pussyfoot around.”
    “You know me, Seth. I’m not a pussyfootin’ around kinda girl.”
    “Then get fired up! You can do this!”
    Destiny rolled her eyes at him. “Sure thing, Coach Caldwell.”
    “Well, come on, get . . . pumped ! Gimme a woo-hoo, Destiny.”
    “That was weak.”
    Destiny laughed and then shot a fist skyward.“Woooooo-hooooo!”
    “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”
    “Ohmigosh, I’m really glad that you’re here to share this with me.”
    She was a little embarrassed when her voice came out husky with emotion, and wondered if she’d scared him off, because he quickly said, “And I’m glad I was here. But now you seriously need to get some rest.”
    “You’re right.”
    They walked to the door, and she opened it.
    “This has been one long, eventful day.”
    “Sure has.” And she hated to see it come to an end.
    Looking at Seth, she wondered whether he was thinking the same thing. Uh-oh.
    What if . . . ?
    No. No way. Destiny knew not to hope for another toe-curling kiss . . . let alone anything more.
    “Thanks again for kissing—I mean, coming!”
    He grinned. “You sure about that?”
    “Positive.” Yet in her hurry to put some distance between them, she stumbled. He steadied her, closing his hands around her waist.
    Oh boy.
    For a couple of seconds, as they stared at each other, it seemed as though the pause button had been pushed on a remote and time felt suspended.
    Then he leaned in—just as thunderous footsteps raced up the stairs.
    “Just what in tarnation’s goin’ on up here?” Nessie looked from Destiny to Seth, and her painted-on eyebrows shot toward her platinum hairline. “Oh . . . was I interruptin’ somethin’?”
    “Nothing like what you’re thinking,” Destiny assured her.
    Seth eyed the broom. “What are you doing with that thing?”
    “Protecting Destiny.” At his raised eyebrow, she retorted, “It was all I could find on short notice. I heard all kinds of commotion, including a very loud scream, and thought I was comin’ to Destiny’s rescue, but it doesn’t look as if she wants to be rescued. Not from you, anyway. Am I right, sugar?”
    “No, you’re

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