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Book: Undercover by Christina Wolfer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Wolfer
them nothing useful and denied any knowledge of LeAnn's death. Erica wanted to go through the one-way window when he referred to LeAnn as his bitch.
    Then Sanchez asked for the time.
    "Five-thirty. Why?" The interrogator asked.
    A knowing sneer lifted Sanchez's lips. "Mercy, mercy, payback from Hell. Hear da rumble, man?"
    His meaning took a moment to sink in. "Oh God, they’re planning a hit on the Mercenaries," Erica said, heading out the door with Steve right behind her.
    "How do you know?"
    "A rumble is a fight between rival gangs. What else could he mean?"
    "Where are you going, Cordero? You need to stay out of this. We'll send someone over to keep an eye on the Hell Boys."
    But she didn't stop. She couldn't leave the Mercenaries vulnerable to an attack. After all, it was her fault they were even involved. The web of deceit she’d spun to eradicate drugs from the school had snared them all in this vicious cycle of events. She had to warn them and make sure Joey was out of harm’s way.
    She called his cell phone, but got no answer. She left a message. "Joey, meet me at your house as soon as you get this message. I need to talk to you." But she had no intentions of going to his house. She pointed her car toward The Hufferman house.
    She called Derrick at the repair shop. He answered on the third ring with a rushed "hello".
    "Derrick, its Erica. Have you seen Joey? Do you know where he is?"
    "No, I don't. Wasn't he at school?"
    "I’m not sure. I didn't go. I tried his cell phone but he's not answering. Can you try to get a hold of him? If he's at Huff's house, you need to get him to leave."
    "Why? What's going on, Erica."
    She heard the panic in his voice. "Please just get a hold of him, and get him to go home."
    "Damn it, Erica. Talk to me, where are you?"
    She hung up.
    The neighborhood was quiet when she pulled up outside the Hufferman house. A number of the members hung out on the front porch while a few of the women sat on blankets in the lawn with their young children. Huff stood off to one side of the house with a group of his friends.
    Erica didn't see Joey as she stepped from her car and relief washed over her. She tucked her gun in the back waistband of her jeans and headed up the mild slope of lawn to where Henarez sat on the steps of the porch. He smiled at her approach, but tensed as she placed her foot on the bottom step and leaned in on her knee.
    She focused on a spot just past his ear. "Please hear me out before you react. Your brother took a stand for me against a member of the Hell Boys, for that, I'm indebted to him. I'm sure you are aware of what happened. I hope you will trust me, do what I ask and keep some of what I say between you and me." She took a deep breath. "The Hell Boys are on their way here to retaliate. Please get everyone inside, away from doors and windows. Don't give them an easy target."
    Henarez turned his head, studied her face. "And this is because my brother stood up for you?"
    "They believe I'm hooked up with Huff. They also blame me for turning LeAnn against Ricky. And now Ricky and his runners are down at the station for questioning."
    "You know this, how?"
    She turned her head to look him in the eye. "This would be the part I hope you keep between us. I'm a police officer."
    "Fuck dat," he whispered and shook his head.
    "No one but the Hell Boys is gunning for you. I promise you the police have got no beef here. Please. Get everyone inside. I’m not sure how much time we have."
    He stood and Erica stepped back. There was nothing more she could do.
    "A rumble’s brewing." Henarez’s voice boomed, stopping all conversation. "Everyone inside, now." And they listened. Gathering blankets and kids, the women were the first to go inside. The men waited for further direction from their leader. Henarez gave her one last look, debating, she assumed, whether to arm themselves and fight back when the Hell Boys showed up. "Everyone," he said to the men.
    As Huff headed past her, she

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