Curse of the Second Date
the best hunter we ever had. She used to leave us
gifts on our pillows. She always looked so pleased."
    "Ick." Millie made a face as she came back
in with a glass of water that she set on the coffee table next to
    "Yes, it was a big ick," Jake hurriedly
agreed. Millie shooed the cat out of the chair. With a graceful
leap, the cat jumped to the floor. "But, for some reason, she
thought we needed them."
    He was a bit disappointed she sat in the
recliner instead of on the loveseat with him.
    *Loser. You are so out of here.*
    Oh great. Now the cat was at her feet,
staring up at him with as much disdain as a cat could muster. And a
cat could muster a lot.
    "Anyway, yes, had cats around all the time
we were growing up," Jake said forcing himself back to the true
subject. And the attempt to find a way towards a third date. "My
brother and sister each have one. What about you?"
    "I've had both dogs and cats in my life."
She reached down to scratch the cat between the ears. Her attention
did nothing to diminish the glare. "But, this guy and I decided
there was only room enough in the house for one of him."
    He bet. The cat had the feline superiority
thing down exact. Even now, sitting at her feet, its posture told
him loud and clear that this cat owned this place and this
    "And what is your guy's name?" Jake said
sweetly towards the cat.
    "Reginald. He chose it himself. I read
through lists of names and he meowed on the one he liked."
    "Huh. Even named himself. Sounds like a
    Millie smiled at him. A true genuine smile
unlike what she'd worn for the past hour. But then, it was hard to
smile when her hand hurt so much that she'd had to eat with her
other hand. "Very true. Very much like a cat. I like that you like
to have animals around. I find it very telling."
    Oh, how he loved the way she looked at him
now. With real and true interest. Listening to what he said. Not
avoiding his gaze. Wanted it to go on forever.
    "I would have one now if I could," Jake said
into the silence.
    *Liar. Don't think you can deceive me.*
    Jake started sweating a little. He couldn't
be hearing these little comments. No way were they coming from the
regal Reginald.
    "Millie, I know pretty much everything was a
disaster tonight," Jake started. He scooted to the end of the
loveseat, leaning towards her. "But, I don't want it to end here
and now. If you are willing, allow me to try and get it right the
third time."
    Millie rolled her eyes at Reginald's loud
protesting cry. "Sorry. He likes to have a small snack at night.
I'll be right back."
    Jake pointed to her hand. "You may also want
to get the ice pack. I think you left it in the kitchen."
    "Oh, right! I swear, you'll have to remind
me of everything when I get older. I forget all sorts of things
    Jake knew she'd said it light-hearted and
probably didn't meant it literally, but he couldn't stop his heart
jumping at the prospect. Of something long-term with a woman the
likes of Millie? Who could program a computer like no one's
business, but had a cozy little home such as this complete with a
knitting basket next to her recliner? From the looks of it, there
was even a half-knitted sweater in the top of it. Loved hiking?
    So many aspects to the woman. So many more
waiting for him to discover. He wanted to stick around and learn
each and every one.
    *She's mine. Don't get any ideas.*
    No. No way was he hallucinating this. The
sound was coming from the cat.
    Jake leaned over and whispered harshly, "You
do not own her. She is not your pet or your slave."
    *She's mine, dimwit. Get used to it. You
leave tonight. Out on your can.*
    "For someone who tries to act so royal, your
language certainly doesn't reflect it," Jake whispered back.
    Oh, that insulted him. The back arched, and
the golden cat-eyes narrowed. Oh, if this creature could, it would
pounce him.
    *You do not know what she needs. I do.*
    "She wants someone who loves her as she is.
Who appreciates her

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