The Twin Moon (The Moon Series)

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Book: The Twin Moon (The Moon Series) by Buffy Christopher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Buffy Christopher
had always been so gorgeous she always wanted to stare deep into them, but he was married.
    “Yeah, Rich knocked out my bedroom window. He keeps smashing windows and breaking in. Can you put bars on the windows in the back and maybe a security gate on the back door? Do you know anyone that does security systems?” The question s just rolled out of Andy’s mouth. Maybe if she had those things her home would be safer.
    “Sure, I can hook you up. Are you going to be home tomorrow? We can get it done first thing.” Manuel stared past Andy at the bedroom and seemed to survey the mess.
    “Yeah. I’m going to have to get new clothes and fix up my bedroom.” Andy went to the kitchen to get the trash bags as Rosie came back from the back yard.
    “I’ll just go put the window back in then.” Manuel left the room.
    “Okay, so let’s clean up your bedroom.” Rosie had on shorts and a t-shirt and she took the bags from Andy.
    Andy and Rosie got to work sorting through the clothes trying to see if anything could be salvaged at all. Surprisingly some of her clothes had made it through the rampage okay and those she tossed on the bed. The trashed ones went in the garbage bags. Slowly the room came together and Andy’s anger simmered as t he disaster cleared.
    “He shredded everything. Every good outfit I had. That bastard.” Andy grabbed up another top and stuffed it into the already full garbage bag as a tear ran down her cheek.
    “It’ s just clothes, amiga . You can replace them.” Rosie patted her on the arm before she stood up and hauled the garbage bag out into the living room.
    “I know but they’re my clothes. I bought them with my money.” Andy swiped at the tear that ran down her cheek. “And now tomorrow I’m going to have to cal l Mr. Steinbeck and ask for the day off so that I can get new clothes. I don’t even have anything to wear to the office. May be my insurance will cover this? ”
    Rosie rubbed Andy’s shoulder for a minute as Andy sat back on her heels.
    “Well at least that’s the last of it. I’ll go order a pizza if you want to start on the stuff on the bed.” Rosie tied up the last bag and hauled it out into the hallway.
    Andy stood up and stretched her arms high above her head, her back cracking. Being on the floor bent over had given her a pinch. The room did look better. At least the floor was clean. Andy hung up the few shirts that were on the bed and folded what needed to go back in her drawer. There was a pair of shorts and a pair of jeans that had miraculously missed being damaged. She put those away too. They weren’t her favorite pieces of clothes, but at least they were something. Rich must be trying to tear down her defenses. To destroy her careful erected self-esteem . Well, it almost worked . S he sniffed again, her nose now running from all the tears. At least Dallas was in the backyard now and Manuel had fixed the window. Tomorrow , he said he would have the alarm put in and the bars up. She didn’t ask how, she never asked. He said it would happen it would and it always did . Andy bundled up the comforter, sheet s and pillows into a pile and walked into the living room to find a garbage bag.
    Rosie was just hanging up the phone.
    “Pizza will be here in thirty minutes. Here let me help you.” Rosie brought over a lawn bag and helped Andy stuff the mess inside. “Do you have extra sheets ?”
    “Yeah , in the hall closet next to the bathroom.” Andy motioned to the hall closet as she wiped her hand across her forehead.
    “I’ll make the bed.” Rosie turned and walked down the small hallway.
    “What are we going to do about all the fingerprint dust?” Andy stared back in at the room. It cover ed the window and the doorknobs. The dresser and other glass surfaces. Basically it was everywhere and it had fallen on her wooden floor. Well that she could sweep up.
    “What?” Andy turned as Rosie approached with an armful of linens and a

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