You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three

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Book: You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three by Jeannette Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeannette Winters
that would’ve startled Tyler. There was no choice but to keep going and pull into the driveway. I don’t know what he’s doing here, but whatever it is, please don’t do it in front of my son.
    They parked the bike, and Tyler didn’t even wait for her. He ran to the house, opened the door, and went in. Morgan saw a man leaning against the limo. She didn’t follow Tyler. Instead, she went to confront him while they were alone.
    “Where is he?” she asked the driver, who pointed to the house. Morgan was shocked at her abruptness, especially to someone who knew nothing of what was going on. She wanted to apologize, but that might require an explanation, which wasn’t going to happen.
    “He helped a woman carry in groceries about thirty minutes ago and hasn’t come back out.”
    Shit. Not good. Not good at all. That meant Tyler was inside with Shaun. Whenever he was around someone new he became very nervous and started wildly shaking his hands in front of himself until he became comfortable. Sometimes he never calmed down, and they would need to leave. Unless her mother had told Shaun about Tyler, he would have no clue what was going on.
    As she half ran toward the house, the memories of Walter flooded her mind. His hurtful words and how he’d treated Tyler. Even before they’d had the diagnosis, Walter laughed at their son’s behavior. If his own father could mock and laugh at him, what was Shaun going to do? Please don’t laugh. He’s just an innocent child who has feelings.
    Fear and anger filled her as she opened the door and began searching the house. Then she heard her mother say, “Tyler this is Mommy’s friend, Shaun. Say hi to Shaun.”
    “Hi, Shaun,” Tyler repeated.
    Morgan stopped in her tracks, holding her breath, waiting to hear Shaun’s reaction.
    “Hello, Tyler,” Shaun’s voice echoed calmly from the living room.
    Only then did she exhale and gain the courage to enter the room. Tyler was flapping his hands as expected. Morgan turned to meet Shaun’s eyes and prepared herself for the worst. She couldn’t read his thoughts, but she saw that he was watching Tyler closely. What are you thinking, Shaun? His expression was serious, as though studying him, yet not like Walter or others had done. No matter what, she was uncomfortable with the entire situation. She had no time to prepare and her emotions were all over the place.
    He only stopped looking at Tyler when Elisabeth made her presence known.
    “How was your bike ride, Morgan?” Elisabeth asked.
    “Great.” She turned back to Shaun whose face was riddled with questions. Was he regretting coming here? No one invited you. You can leave now. Nothing is stopping you. Make it quick. Just get it over with. “Mom, I think Tyler might want a snack after that long ride. Would you mind taking him into the kitchen?” She wanted to make sure Tyler wasn’t in earshot of whatever was going to be said between her and Shaun.
    She saw the hesitation in her mother’s eyes, but it was too late as Tyler heard the word snack and was already on the move to the kitchen.
    “It was a pleasure meeting you, Shaun. I hope to see you again soon.”
    Don’t count on it, Mom. He shouldn’t be here now, never mind again.
    “Thank you for the drink.” Shaun handed her the empty glass before she left the room.
    Once alone Morgan turned her full attention back to Shaun. Still standing, now with her hands on her hips, she asked, “What are you doing here?”
    Only then did he make eye contact with her. “Looking for you; there were a few questions I needed answers to.”
    I’m not buying it. Why are you really here? “Okay. What are they?”
    She watched a grin appear. “Your mother answered them for me.”
    Oh, shit! Now I’m scared. What did you do, Mom? This is not the type of man you think he is. He’s not here because he cares about me and Tyler. He’s here because . . . hell I don’t know why, but I know it’s not good, whatever it

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