Liz's Luck [Appledale 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Book: Liz's Luck [Appledale 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Lee Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Rose
Tags: Romance
going, but I am so excited and I hope you don’t get mad at me.”
    Stella looked puzzled but smiled. “Why would I be mad? I already have a husband.”
    Liz laughed and explained. “I meant because you really wanted me to like Gary but I just don’t.”
    Stella smiled. “Liz, you are my best friend- not Gary. I do think he is nice but if you don’t like him that’s okay, too. Lacy said you and Ethan—how did she put it? She said you two light each other’s fires.”
    Liz’s cheeks turned pink. Was it that obvious to everyone that she had the hots for Deputy White? Oh God, that was embarrassing, and here she thought she was doing a good job of appearing calm, cool, and collected. “Well, he lights mine that’s for sure. Hopefully after our date he will feel the same about me.”
    Stella hugged Liz. “I just want you to be happy, Liz, with whoever treats you right. I know how much you want a family of your own and I just want you to have it, too. If Gary isn’t the one, so be it. Don’t ever be afraid to tell me the truth. I’m a big girl, okay?”
    Liz promised her and was touched that Stella knew her so well. Even if things didn’t work out with Ethan she was lucky to have two best friends like Lacy and Stella. They were the first two people to ever care so deeply for her.
    Liz felt so happy that for once things were going her way. She missed Ethan. His aunt had a houseful of guests for the holidays, and between his shift at the sheriff’s station and being his aunt’s handyman at her bed-and-breakfast he hadn’t been able to stop by and see her or take her on that promised date. They talked on the phone every night though and she looked forward to their conversations. Sometimes they would talk for hours about everything from favorite foods to favorite memories and desires for the future. She was secretly pleased when Ethan expressed a desire to start a family one day. This was a nice way for them to talk and get to know one another even if it was old fashioned. She enjoyed listening to his deep, sexy voice. Liz knew if Ethan was next to her she’d spend her time trying to get him to kiss her and not talk to her.
    Gary came in that evening right before she was ready to close. “I have some free time this evening. Let’s go have dinner in St. Claire and we can make plans for our Christmas together.”
    “Gary, I have plans already. I am seeing someone.” Liz said politely knowing that Amy was listening. Amy knew Liz didn’t like Gary .
    “With who?” Gary scowled and yelled. “I thought we settled this. You and I belong together!”
    “We did settle it, Gary. I like this town and I am staying here. You will have to find someone else to help your business plan along,” Liz said angrily. What was wrong with Gary? She was starting to worry about his refusal to see she was not interested in helping him further his business plans. Was he mentally unstable or just a stubborn jerk?
    Gary leaned angrily toward her, getting as close to her face as he could since the counter was between them. He had such a mean look on his usually calm face, and his cheeks were turning red from anger. Liz stepped back and she felt Amy grab her arm in fright. Gary was usually so calm and polite that this behavior was frightening and very unexpected.
    “You are trying my patience, Elizabeth!” he yelled, his face contorting into an ugly mask of hatred. He took a look at her red roses sitting in a vase on the counter next to the register. Ethan had just sent them over that morning with a card that said, “I miss you.” Gary sneered. “With this guy? Who is he? He can’t be better than me.”
    Liz lost her patience, the fear leaving and anger replacing it. She felt Amy walk away and sighed with relief. Amy didn’t need to witness this ugly scene. Liz leaned toward Gary. “I’ve tried being polite and nice, but obviously that doesn’t work with you. You want to use me for my money, Gary. You don’t even like me, so

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