fourth proved even better. It secured him a five-carder, virtually unbeatable if luck was no more than modest, and his total wager on it was one hundred and sixty guineas. The captain, having put Robert out of the reckoning, showed his own cards. An eight and a five. Smoothly, he added to them, first with a deuce, then a three and then another deuce, giving himself a five-card hand that capped the duke’s.
Cumberland smiled. ‘Pretty,’ he said, ‘very pretty, and boldly achieved.’
‘Oh, something back, sir,’ said Captain Burnside. ‘To the tune of one sixty, I fancy?’
Cumberland waved an airy hand. He began to lose steadily then. He remained impassive, although he turned a keener eye on the captain. The ladies eventually came to watch, to stand in silence around the table. Robert, amiably electing to inform Cecilia that he was comfortably up, received from Cumberland a glance that chastened him. Caroline, making her assessment of the play and the bets, realized the tide had turned for Captain Burnside.
At a little after midnight, a servant entered to announce that the duke’s coach had arrived. At that point, Cumberland owed the captain four hundred and ninety guineas. He also owed Robert seventy-five.
‘Ye’ve a way of turning the tables, Burnside,’ he said. ‘What d’ye say, a cut of the cards before I go, to double what I owe ye or conceding quits?’
That was sharp practice on the part of any gambler who made it difficult for a creditor to collect from him. However, Captain Burnside indicated he was willing, and thereby earned himself a sharp look from Caroline.
Robert shuffled the pack with expertise, and set it down. The duke sat back and glanced at Annabelle. His smile drew a faint flush from her.
‘Your honour, sir?’ murmured Captain Burnside, and Cumberland made his cut with a careless flourish. He showed the king of clubs. Caroline, disapprovingly, watched Captain Burnside make his own cut with deliberation. Cumberland’s smile became wolverine, for the captain showed the ace of diamonds.
‘By God, ye’ve a talent for uncovering the prettiest pictures,’ said Cumberland, and came to his feet.
‘You’ll oblige me, Your Highness?’ said the captain.
‘Ye’ll take an IOU and carry it forward for a return game?’
‘You ain’t possessed of the ready, sir?’
‘Nigh a thousand guineas? That I’m not, man. We’ll play again in two weeks’ time.’ The duke was plainly set on revenge. ‘Here? Ye’ll allow us, m’dear Caroline?’
‘With pleasure, Your Highness,’ said Caroline.
‘Set the sum down,’ said Cumberland to the captain, who used the table quill and a sheet of paper to inscribe the IOU. Cumberland signed with a rasping scrawl. ‘I’ll skin ye alive next time, Burnside,’ he said, then wished his hostess goodnight, allowing his lips to linger on her fingertips. His goodnight to Annabelle was almost perfunctory, but she did not take offence. She knew his first consideration was discretion.
Robert and Cecilia left with him, accepting a lift to their house in his coach.
With the guests gone, Annabelle said, ‘You surely did excel, Captain Burnside, in thinning the duke’s pocket. You all have a profitable way of using cards.’
‘Oh, luck tonight,’ said the captain, musing on the blueness of her eyes. ‘Misfortune next time, perhaps.’
‘I vow the duke took his losses in generous and manly fashion, did you not think so?’ said Annabelle, tingling pleasantly as the captain smiled. Caroline, standing apart, thought her sister coy and the captain very self-possessed. ‘Any other gentleman might have shown a most unpleasant temper.’
‘It ain’t too cheerful, being out of pocket to that extent,’ said the captain, ‘and I dare swear, Miss Howard, that few gentlemen would have taken it as graciously as the duke.’
‘I declare, you are gracious yourself,’ said Annabelle, ‘for the duke is a much maligned gentleman.’
‘But sails