of scarred skin that she had left didn’t sweat.
    Lynni kept her company on the flight where the gravitational pull hauled hard on her flesh. Ly was good at keeping her distracted.
    “So, they said that as soon as we get to the base, they are going to put you in a tank, and from there, the reconstruction is going to start without any pressure on you. You should be back to yourself in a few weeks. I mean, you will be bald, but you should be able to at least try to kick my butt again.”
    “I will kick your butt so hard that your grandkids can feel it.”
    “Hey, leave your grandnieces and nephews alone.”
    Ty snickered and went quiet for the remainder of the trip to Lunar Base. Perhaps there was a chance for little cloned grandkids of her own.
    The thought kept her going through the insertion of tubes and wires. Focusing on the future kept her from concentrating on the agony she was going through.
    Ly stayed at her side day and night until there was a visible change. “Hey, Ty, you are looking better.”
    Ty pressed her hand to the inside of the tank. She felt her face twitch, and she smiled.
    “That is the first smile I have seen in a really long time. Well, we got some news from the Lrrko. They are sending some kind of guardians for us. They call them Familiars. They are going to be here in the next few days. The reason that I am telling you this is that everyone found with the Lrrko genes are going in to tanks for enhancement. I might not see you until you get out or until I do.”
    Ty drew a question mark on the inside of the tank.
    “They have a technique that will strengthen the genetic markers. The Lrrko have asked us to undergo the procedure. It is pretty risk-free, so I said why not? You are here and can’t chat, so I will be in the next room getting a similar treatment. Well, with less skin and muscle growth. I have to say, you are looking more and more like a girl again.” Ly winked.
    Ty looked down, and she was a little surprised at the breast tissue. Somehow, being female had lost its appeal when she had had her skin burned away. Survival had become everything.
    She shrugged and blew her sister a kiss.
    Ly winked and sashayed out. “See you on Lrrko, Ty.”
    Ty waved farewell and closed her eyes, floating in a tank and waiting to become herself again.
    Two days later, the heavy thuds of footfalls got her attention. Ty floated to the front of her tank and angled to get a good look at the doorway.
    Holy smokes, they are huge!
    Five giant robots entered the room and spoke with the physicians who were attending to the nutrients in Ty’s tank. Their words were surprisingly quiet considering the size of the bodies.
    Metal skins with the physiques of professional wrestlers and a lethal elegance in every delineated muscle made them lovely to view. Their uniforms of tight black trousers and brilliant-blue sleeveless tunics made them look close to men in costumes. The four cameras mounted in each faceplate reminded her that they were robots.
    Ty looked at them carefully, and she noted small differences in each one. Yes, they were huge, but they had alterations in design that made them individual. If she saw them again, she would be able to tell them apart.
    The physician nodded toward Ty’s tank and spoke her name. One of the bots moved from their gathering and walked toward her, taking up a position in front of her tank.
    Doctor Grimwell came forward and made the introductions. “Tyanni Nikkelson, this is your Familiar, Brex. He has been assigned to you by the Lrrko government. He will assure your safety at all times.”
    She nodded and smiled at the robot, inclining her head in a welcome.
    The bot’s head nodded, and his four lenses moved slightly to take in her body and expression.
    She pressed her hand to the glass, and to her surprise, he mimicked her. It was their first meeting, and she felt calmer with him in the room. If she couldn’t have Ly, she was happy to have someone looking out for

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