Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf)

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Book: Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf) by A.E. McCullough Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.E. McCullough
his magic to speed their travel. They had traveled three times the normal distance in the same amount of time. Unfortunately, Graytael was not completely in tune with the Weave and it had sapped his strength.
    After a few strikes with his handy flint and steel, he had the fire going and without another word, moved to one side and fell asleep.
    The two ghosts appeared next to him.
    “That was a risky spell to use Ancient One,” stated Eldath.
    “True but it was necessary…both in bringing us closer to our destination and to force him to draw on the Weave for strength.”
    Red Crow nodded. “You know what’s coming don’t you?”
    Anasazi poked at the fire with a long stick. “Yes. I have foreseen several futures and no matter what happens in the very near future, there will be a time of darkness.”
    Eldath gazed down on his great grandson. “The strongest blade must pass through the hottest fire. Only then will its true temper be found. He must do the same.”
    Red Crow nodded. “But Graytael is our only hope.”
    Anasazi took a deep breath. “Yes, but remember it is always darkest right before the dawn. No matter where his path leads, you two will be with him. That one thought comforts me.”
    “And so it begins,” said Eldath.
    “When Darkness Falls, only the Gods can foresee the outcome,” remarked Red Crow.
    Anasazi shook his head. “Don’t be too certain of that old friend. The Gods’ fate rests in the hands of a mere mortal and his destiny is uncertain.”

Chapter 10
    It was a few hours before dawn when Anasazi awakened Graytael. The half-elf had expected to be sore and tired but was strangely invigorated upon waking. As he munched on a dried rations and smoked beef, the old shaman explained what to expect from the ceremony.
    “When you arrive at the sacred grove, Eldath will appear and shepherd you through the actual ritual. Remember, no one else will be able to hear or see him and it would be best not to let on that you are talking with a ghost. Even in the Elven kingdom that isn’t a good thing.” Seeing his nephew nod, he continued. “You will take your place in line with the rest of the neophytes and present yourself to the Elder Tree.”
    “And then what?”
    “I cannot say exactly since I have never been through the ceremony therefore you must rely on Eldath’s expertise at that point.”
    Graytael nodded his understanding and finished his breakfast. Gathering his equipment, he raised his hood and waited for the old shaman to rise. When he did not, Graytael cocked his head to the side in a silent question.
    Anasazi lifted his staff and stuck the tip in the campfire. Speaking a word in an unknown language, the fire flared up and a portal opened up inside the flame. “Step through and confront your destiny.”
    Judging from experience, Graytael knew he would not get anything more from his uncle. Therefore, he screwed up his courage and stepped into the flame. There was a brief flash of warmth and Graytael found himself standing at the summit of a small hilltop overlooking a glade deep inside the Great Forest. On the far side of the meadow was the largest oak tree he had ever seen. Without anyone telling him, he knew this was the Elder Tree. Even in the faint light of pre-dawn and the low hanging fog, it dominated the entire horizon. Wrenching his eyes from the Elder Tree, he could see hundreds of young elves calmly and quietly waiting in a long line. The ghost of Eldath stood beside them and beckoned him down.
    Making sure his hood was up, Graytael carefully moved down the hillside and hopped in the back of the line. The young elf in front of him turned around and looked at him but did not speak. Judging from the lack of conversation, he guessed that conversation was forbidden or seriously frowned on. Even his ghost companion was silent, so he waited and watched. When the first rays of morning touched the Elder Tree, the yellow and red leaves reflected the light and looked like molten

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