Saving Simona (Alone In The World Trilogy)

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Book: Saving Simona (Alone In The World Trilogy) by Rebekah Blackmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebekah Blackmore
and was large enough to be folded in half and still overlap the edges of the mattress. She pulled it up further so that it was to her waist, keeping her legs nice and warm. She was about to open her mouth to speak when the sound of a foot maid scurrying into the room. “Miss Dickens is here to see you, sir,” the girl said, curtsying. She bowed her head before looking up at Gia. “I am glad to see you are feeling better, Miss Fletcher.”
    Gia smiled at her. “Thank you.” The foot maid smiled back before looking to Solomon to see what to do about the visitor.
    “Tell her to come in, please, Julia,” Solomon said. The girl nodded and curtsied again, her long black and white dress spread as she did so. She turned and left the room.
    A few moments later, a twinkling voice called out, “Solomon?”
    “In here, Luce!” Solomon called back, his face lighting up when he heard the woman’s voice. The blonde came into the room moments later, the hem of her robin egg dress sweeping against the carpet. The skirt was dotted with damp patches where Lucie had walked through the freshly fallen snow. Solomon stood to remove Lucie’s fur shawl and dark gray wool bonnet, brushing snow off the sections of the blonde’s hair that had been uncovered. He kissed her lightly before pulling her into a light embrace, running his fingers over her arms to warm her up. He pulled away and smiled at the girl before turning to Gia, his arm wrapping around Lucie’s waist. Gia stood and moved forward until she was only a few feet away from the couple. “Gia, this is Luciana Dickens, my fiancée.” He looked back at the blonde, his eyes filled with love as he gazed at her, a small smile gracing his face.
    “You can call me Lucie,” the blonde said, pulling off her gloves and smiling. She stretched out a porcelain hand, her long, thin fingers unblemished and soft. Gia smiled back and took her hand, shaking it lightly before Lucie leaned in and air kissed either side of Gia’s face.
    Gia did the same back before introducing herself. “My name is Georgiana Fletcher, but I go by Gia,” Gia replied.
    Lucie smiled wider, her cerulean eyes sparkling. “It is such a pleasure to see you alive and with the world again. Solomon was so worried when everything he tried only seemed to make you sicker.” She laughed before glancing at Gia’s nightdress. “I see that Solomon finally decided that you could wear more clothing than just your pantalets and chemise?” She winked as Solomon began to sputter and blush.
    “Before she was able to communicate and understand me, it would not have been possible for me to fix her wounds if she was fully dressed—“
    “I was just teasing, Solly,” Lucie interrupted, grinning as she squeezed the man’s cheeks. He flinched away, rubbing at his face with the back of his hand. The blonde kissed him on the cheek before smiling at him and meeting his eyes.“You did exactly what was required of you to save Miss Fletcher’s life.” She turned and looked at Gia. “I need to speak to my fiancé alone for a bit. Is it alright with you if he and I go out to the parlour for a tick?” Concern colored her face as she glanced down at Gia’s waist before her eyes shot back upwards. “Are you going to be all right if we are gone?”
    Gia nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed by Lucie’s worriment. “Of course, ma’am,” she said, her voice tight. She coughed to hide it, taking a step back to sit back on the bed.
    Lucie shook her head at Gia’s words. “No need to ‘ma’am’ me, Gia. I imagine that I am only four or five years above you.” She laughed.  “Why, we might as well hold the same level of maturity, with so few years between us!” She smiled again before she took Solomon’s hand.
    “I will be just a shout away if you need anything, Gia,” Solomon said, patting the end of Gia’s bed as she slipped back under the heavy quilt. The brunette smiled and nodded at him as the couple walked out of the

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