my head. Of course it would. The first
woman in years who’d got to me, that I couldn’t stop thinking about, that I
imagined I was with when I was with another client? Of course it would hurt,
having her again and watching her walk away was going to hurt like hell, far
worse than this damn broken ankle.
A week later I was sitting with my plaster cast
raised, James had just dropped off some food shopping for me and the Sunday
papers, advising that I may find today’s headline rather interesting. He winked
as he left. I picked up the paper and chuckled. Splashed across the front page
was a picture of Yasmin and Eoin with the headline “ Shock Celebrity Split.” I read on with interest. Sources close to the couple claimed that Eoin was
seeing a top divorce lawyer in London on the grounds of adultery, evidence of an
affair having been discovered when he returned home from a stag weekend early
as he missed his wife. Sources also claimed that Yasmin was distraught. I
bet she was, I thought. No more access to his millions, and if he was granted a divorce for adultery, her settlement would likely be greatly diminished.
I wondered if it was my socks that had been the cause for their downfall? If he
hadn’t found them she could probably have talked her way out of the state of
herself, though the contacts, vajazzle and stretched cunt and arse would have
taken a lot more explaining. Either way, I kind of felt happy for Eoin. She’d
turned into a bloody nightmare and given she was fucking that many guys behind
his back, as well as contemplating the risk of going bareback, he was better
off without her.
I thanked my lucky stars to be rid of her as well,
and that my STD checks had all come back clear. While I didn’t plan on ever
seeing Summer again, contacting her to say “By the way I gave you Herpes” would
have definitely fucked up any chance I had with her. I may still be undecided
about her, but for now we were in a good place and I wanted to keep it that way
in case I ever changed my mind. At least at the moment, the door on that
possibility hadn’t been closed and that made me smile even harder, as well as
spring an erection that demanded immediate attention.
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for the Night I’d be so grateful if you’d take a moment of your time to
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Thank you! CJF x
For the Night Series
For more sexcapades with Logan Steele, you can order Ménage for the
Night from Amazon now.
Ménage for the Night
Nine months had passed
since the filthy night with Yasmin Taylor. Thankfully my clients in between had
requested more conservative fantasies, dressing up as a cowboy, sex in an opera
box, on top of a brand new Lamborghini in a city car park in daylight. Those sort
of jobs I could carry out without reservation. Those jobs I was born to
perform. My next client is Ava Renshaw. Another regular, she’s the bored
housewife of a successful international banker, who spends much of his time
abroad, leaving her home alone and frustrated. While she loved the sessions we
had, she kept telling me that she was craving more and that her fantasy was to
be filled by two guys at the same time, but she was too self-conscious to go to
a sex club like 710. I’d had to cancel our last appointment due to a broken
ankle, and this had been the earliest we could agree on another booking. I
contacted one of my friends in the business, Trey Douglas, my go to guy for clients
with an MMF fantasy. We’re about to show Ava why two sets of hands, as well as
other appendages, are better than one.
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