Holly's Heart Collection Three

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Authors: Beverly Lewis
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Holly,” she continued. “But you are also loyal and patient. Often you suffer in silence instead of lashing out.”
    “Unless it involves my family,” I said, remembering how I fought to visit Daddy the summer before last.
    Mom agreed. “Ever notice how you enjoy spending time in your room, writing in your journal . . . contemplating life?”
    I nodded. “It feels good being alone sometimes.”
    “Well, some people derive energy from being alone. Others need to be around people in order to feel charged up—alive.”
    I was starting to get the picture. “I think Andie’s one of those people types,” I said without thinking.
    “So is your father.”
    “Carrie too?” I asked.
    She nodded. “And Stephie, although I haven’t completely figured her out yet.” Mom chuckled.
    “What happens when two friends have opposite personalities?” I figured Mom knew what I was really getting at.
    “I think that’s probably a good sign. Some of the best friendships of history came out of personality contrasts.”
    “Give me an example.” I was dying to know.
    “Well, one comes to mind without trying too hard—David and Jonathan,” she said. “David was an outgoing, gregarious warrior, and Jonathan was a loyal, behind-the-scenes kind of guy.”
    I was beginning to see that maybe Andie and I just needed some time apart. Maybe if she hung around the Miller twins long enough, she’d get tired and come home. To me.
    Mom continued, “Sometimes, though—and you may already know this—people drift apart during the high-school years. It has much to do with growing up—finding who you are. That’s not to say that your closest friends won’t always be special to you; they will, but many times your circle of friends begins to widen from mid- and late-teens on. It’s a normal outgrowth of maturity.”
    What a blow! Mom had just implied that if I were mature enough, I’d be moving ahead with my life, with or without Andie. How could she say such a thing? I mulled things over in silence.
    “Holly?” She leaned over and touched my hair.
    I didn’t want to hurt her. My negative reaction would have to stay well hidden. “I think it’s time to write in my journal,” I said, carrying my glass over to the sink. “My energy is fading, if you know what I mean.”
    She nodded, catching on.
    I ran up the stairs and exploded into my bedroom. So much for suffering in silence!

    Chapter 16
    After supper, when my homework was finished and Mom had signed all my paper work for school, I made campaign buttons for Billy. An athletic student from way back in grade school, Billy was excited to include student politics in his life. Being the freshman class treasurer would be a nice addition to his high-school resumé.
    Stan sauntered through the kitchen at one point, stopped, and peered over my shoulder at the campaign buttons. “Who in the world would wear those?” he said, then left.
    I ignored his snide remark, wondering how I’d survive if he started dishing out freshman initiation. Initiation had been referred to as many things, some names worse than others, but the word was out—there would never be another year like this one. Already it was beginning. I knew they’d never be satisfied with merely locking one freshman in a bathroom stall. No way.
    Mark, Phil, Carrie, and Stephie emerged from the family room and hung around to watch me work. When the boys finally wandered off to do homework at Uncle Jack’s nudging, I waited for Carrie and Stephie to do the same.
    “Don’t you two have something to do?” I asked.
    “We never get homework,” Carrie said.
    “Wish I were back in grade school,” I muttered.
    The girls were eager to help. I could tell by the anguished looks on their little faces. And being the wise big sister, I knew they’d never stop pleading until I gave them each a pair of scissors. “Make sure you cut perfect circles so the labels will fit into the plastic button holders.”

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