Peace in My View

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Book: Peace in My View by C. L. Rosado Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Rosado
keep my mouth closed while she reminisces, only nodding when she looks my way. Right now, she is just staring into the past without a word, wiping her cheeks and drying a few tears she has shed before she turns her attention back to me.
    “When his dad, Neal passed, I lost a part of Gentry. He no longer cared anything about being anywhere near the ranch. He would leave for school and not return until he was falling into his bed at night. I’m telling you all this because since he met you, even with me being sick, I have seen a glimpse of that young man I missed so dearly. When parents have a child, they want nothing more than to see them happy. I wish I could see Gentry grow into the man I know he is capable of being. Thank you, Ari, for letting me see a peek at it. The only thing that could make it better is to see the two of you get married.” I’m speechless to say the least. Is she for real? I must look like a deer caught in headlights because she follows up with,
    “Don’t look so surprised, Ari. I see the way you look at my son, and trust me, everyone else sees it, too. He looks at you the same way. It’s not that far off for me to hope that someday— fingers crossed — sooner rather than later, you two would do just that.”
    “Eleanor, we barely know each other,” I explain.

    “ And yet, here you are taking care of his sickly mother. People don’t just do that, Ariana. Honestly, it’s what I love most about you. Just think, if I can love and adore you so quickly, how must Gentry feel?” She is nuts. That’s all there is to it. Gentry love me? Is that even possible? Do I love Gentry?
    “Oh, Eleanor. I love and adore you, too,” I say. She pats my leg and says,
    “ I know, honey, I know. I think I could rest now. Could you help me to my room?” I stand and help her to her feet wondering if she has had a similar talk with her son. As soon as I get her to bed, I was gonna go find out.
    I make my way out to the front porch and take a seat on the porch swing. Pulling out my phone, I decide to call Gentry rather than text him.
    “Hey, Sunshine, How’s everything?” he asks. It’s rare that he is away these days, but today Cal, Peck and Gentry are in Austin at auction.
    “ Everything is good. Mona is out grocery shopping, and your mom just laid down for a nap. Listen, has your mom talked to you about me ?” I hope he can read between the lines; otherwise, it would be very awkward asking him about marriage since we haven’t made it past second base. Ugh. Seriously, Eleanor?
    “What do you mean? Did you do something?” Great. He’s not getting it.
    “No, sorry, let me rephrase the question. Has she talked to you about you and me? Like where this is going between us?” He laughs. He always freakin’ laughs.
    “ Yeah, she had some compelling points as to why we should tie the knot as soon as possible. I was gonna talk to you about it…”. I can hear the auctioneer and people calling out bids in the background. “I gotta get off here. We will talk more when I get back. Sound good? Bye, Ari,” and just like that he is gone, leaving me with a million questions and my mind spinning. These people are crazy. Ugh. I can’t talk to Liv about it because she will just agree with Eleanor. She has been trying to get us hitched since the first day I met Gentry. I just need to relax. I’m sure Gentry thinks it’s a crazy idea as well.

    Chapter 15

    W hen I get back, I leave Cal and Peck to it and go in search of Ariana. I’m so proud of Peck and all that he has done. He dropped everything back home to stay here with me. He has accomplished and learned so much in such a short amount of time that even Cal is impressed. I’m tired, so instead of searching too hard, I text her.
    Me: Where R U?
    Ariana: N the horse barn.
    She’s in the horse barn. It’s not unheard of, actually. She is always somewhere unexpected taking pictures. It’s

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