Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2)

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Book: Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2) by Sloan Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloan Storm
    “Yes, thank you. I can see that it’s a strongbox. It just seems out of place in here, that’s all.”
    Marco stood upright, placing his palms flat on the bar and looking down at me.
    “Well there’s a good reason for that. It belonged to my father. Aside from money, it was the only thing he left to me in his will.”
    “Oh, okay,” I began, nodding while I listened to him. “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s in it?”
    Marco shrugged.
    “No, I don’t mind. Actually, I have no idea what’s inside. I just received it a few days ago and haven’t opened it.”
    I nibbled at my lip. He seemed completely uninterested.
    “Well, I mean, aren’t you curious?”
    Marco shook his head. “No, not really. I’ll get around to opening it at some point.”
    I had no idea why I was being so nosy. Still, the fact that he was so casual about it… It only made me that much more curious to see what was inside. For all I knew, it could have been something mundane and uninteresting. But, then again…
    Without thinking, I blurted out, “Well, why don’t we find out right now? Both of us?”
    Marco chuckled and shook his head.
    “No,” he replied, putting his drink down on the bar after another swallow. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
    Dejected, I resorted to begging.
    “Pretty please?”
    What was a chuckle a minute before turned into a sustained, deep, belly laugh from him. When he finished, Marco lifted his chin in my direction.
    “Forget about the strongbox, Dani. I don’t want to discuss it. Come with me.”
    I exhaled, grimacing at his rejection.
    “Okay.” I grumbled.
    His refusal complete, Marco walked around the corner of the bar, hooking his hand along the edge of it. I swiveled the barstool to face his direction, getting up and following behind him. He walked towards a large set of sliding glass doors that connected to a long balcony and opened them. I continued behind him, exiting the penthouse.
    The night breeze blowing off the Mediterranean wrapped around me, cocooning me in warmth. Below, the streets of Monte Carlo were alive with people and the buzz of traffic. Monaco was a beautiful, glamorous place, and whether I signed the deal with Marco or not, I was going to miss it. I took one last look around before turning my attention to Marco.
    Before I could think or react, Marco kissed me.

    With his cocktail in one hand, Marco slid the other around my waist, squeezing me at the hip. Flexing his arm, he pulled me tight, crushing my body against his. I sighed, moaning into his mouth while all the tension in my body melted away.
    We kissed for what felt like a minute but it wasn’t nearly enough. His touch rekindled the dull ache inside of me. If he’d wanted to, I would’ve let him take me right then and there. It was a feeling I couldn’t control – it frightened and thrilled me at the same time. His aroma permeated my senses, sending me deeper into a spiraling need. Within seconds, my entire body tingled. My nipples hardened like small stones against the lace of my bra, driving my desire further.
    I’d almost reached the point of no return when Marco broke his lips free of mine. Staring into his eyes, I struggled to catch my breath. He looked at me for a moment before taking another drink and I took the opportunity to have another sip myself.
    Something to cool off was just what I needed.
    “Beautiful night.” he said, looking away from me and towards the glittering lights below. “Don’t you think?”
    I nodded while swallowing. “Yes, it is.”
    Marco leaned against the railing. Without turning his upper body towards me, he glanced over his shoulder in my direction.
    “I’m glad you could come, Dani. I regretted having to cut last night short with you. I apologize for that.”
    Before I could respond, a brief gust of wind sent my hair fluttering in front of my face. I reached up and pulled it away from my eyes only to see him still looking at me. His apology

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