Dream a Little Dream

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Authors: Joan Jonker
wrong. Everyone needs some love and affection in their lives and that is what we are giving each other. No one is being hurt by it.’
    ‘I know what you’re saying is true, but it doesn’t stop me wishing. I would give you the earth if I could, buy you anything your heart desires.’
    ‘Robert, I am a forty-five-year-old virgin, and I work in a grocer’s shop. That was my life when you came into it, and it is still my life. We agreed then that our relationship would be purely as friends, and no one would be hurt by it.’
    ‘It was easy to say that then, dear, because I didn’t know I was going to fall in love with you – that you were going to become so important to me. I’m sorry, but it would have been easier to stop rain from falling than stop myself being drawn ever closer to you.’
    ‘And don’t you think the same thing has happened to me? I love you, Robert, and have done for some time. If you only knew how much I look forward to your visits, and how I count the days and hours. But we can’t change things, so why don’t we just settle for what we have? I couldn’t bear you not to be part of my life, I would be lost without you.’
    ‘You’ll never be lost, my darling, because I’ll always be here. Whatever your terms, I will abide by them, and love you all the more for your honesty.’ He kissed her hair. ‘That’s the first time you have ever said you love me, and you’ve made me very happy.’
    Maureen reached for his hand. ‘We’ve become very serious, so why don’t you make me laugh by telling me more of what Agnes gets up to? And I want to know how Abbie is and how today’s auction went. There’s so much I want to hear, so come on, Robert, let me share the happenings in your life.’
    ‘I left the auction before it was over, as you know, but I would hazard a guess that we’ve had a particularly good day. Abbie is to go to commercial college to learn shorthand and typing, book-keeping and general office work. She met stiff opposition from her mother, but I put my foot down. You’d like Abbie, she’s a lovely, bubbly girl, full of fun.’ Robert ruffled Maureen’s hair. ‘And now to our indomitable housekeeper. My eldest daughter can be a pain in the neck, a real snob. Well, she looked down her nose once too often for Agnes, and was told, “Take yer own bleedin’ plates out, ’cos I’m packing me bags. And yer can see to yer own bleedin’ dinner, ’cos I ain’t.” And she would have gone, too, if I hadn’t smoothed things over with a glass of whisky. I wouldn’t have blamed her either, she deserves more respect than that. As she said to me, “I’d have cried me bleedin’ eyes out if I’d had to leave you and Miss Abbie. But I would have done, Mr Robert, ’cos I’ve got me pride. I’ll have no toffee-nosed little madam looking down their nose at me!” ’
    ‘Good for Agnes! I’ve never met the woman but I know I’d like her.’
    They chatted about different things, keeping the conversation light, until it was time for Robert to leave. Then they stood in the hall, their arms around each other, and kissed. Neither of them said a word, but both were aware that the kiss was warmer and more loving than usual. Robert sighed. ‘Four weeks today, my dear. Take good care of yourself.’
    ‘And you, Robert, you take care.’ Maureen watched him walk down the path then closed the door and leaned her back against it as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Chapter Four
    ‘I couldn’t believe my ears when Mother told me. Can you imagine me going into a poor house, or workhouse, whatever they call them? I’d come home crawling with lice and heaven knows what else.’ Victoria was wearing a petulant expression as the wind played with the strands of hair that had worked loose from the pretty floral voile scarf she had covering her head. ‘I’m of the opinion that Father has gone completely mad, because if he was in his right mind he’d know I would never entertain such an

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