Integrity Has No Bounds
‘em steal whatever they come for
and be done with it. I haven’t had to meet these two before, and
I’m not sure what to do with them. This ain’t the first time we’ve
been robbed mind you, but usually they don’t try to hurt any of
us.’ He glanced over to where the two men were lying in the
doorway. “That one, he’s bleeding pretty bad.”
    John went to the back corner of the room and
called Baron. Once he’d related what went down, he asked him if
he’d call Pappy D and tell him to come get his boys. “I’ll put them
in the bed of their pick-up. Thanks.” He ended the call, not
wanting to get into any in-depth conversation with the prez right
    He went to the door and started moving the
wounded men out of the way enough that he could drag them back out
the door and over to their beat to hell and back pick-up. Mel was
groggy and in pain, but he was awake, so John gave him the speech
that he’d be repeating to every Rat he would find until he had
Candle in his grasp.
    “You tell Candle to drag his stinking
cowardly ass out of that putrid swamp he lives in, and come face
me, or more of you boys are gonna suffer until he does.”
    He went back inside and finished getting the
information he sought from Tyler, then he offered the kid a smile
and made his request.
    “I want you to give me the security footage
from the cameras, and don’t bother to tell me you don’t have
access, I just saved your ass, and I want to be able to prove
    Now that he knew where the Swamp Kings
clubhouse was located, he could do some recon before he left the
    Pappy D came stomping out onto the back porch
and started yelling for Donnie Lee. “Get your ass down to the
county line station and see what kinda shape those two gator baits
has got themselves into now. I jest gotta a call from that Breed
bastard, his boy done fucked up Mel an’ Willie.”
    The old man was so pissed he was trembling
with his anger, and Donnie was concerned Pappy D would blow a blood
vessel or something, but he nodded his compliance and headed for
his scoot. He wasn’t surprised when the old man called after him to
hurry his ass up. Mel was Donnie’s youngest brother, and spoiled as
they came. He was always having to drag the little bastard out of
    He’d no sooner mounted his bike than Mel
drove up in the pick–up, almost running into the line of bikes in
front of the club. He slumped over the wheel with the motor still
running, and Donnie grew alarmed.
    He pulled open the door and reached under his
brother’s chest to turn the key off, and then pushed Mel upright so
he could see what the damage was. A couple of scrapes in his little
brother’s face wasn’t enough to do the damage that Mel must have to
be throwing up blood like he was doing.
    He laid his hand on the horn to get the
attention of whoever was inside the club, and heard screaming from
the back of the truck. “Oh fuck me, we’re gonna have to call the
medics for this one.”
    Pappy D was trailed Kermit and Dell coming
out of the front doors of the clubhouse and almost shoved the two
out of his way when he saw the truck. He heard Donnie calling for
an ambulance and knew it must be bad. He could hear Willie
screaming that his head was split in two, but his concern was for
his boy.
    “Lay him on the seat, and give him a few sips
of water, but nothin’ else, if’n he’s pukin’ blood, there ain’t
much we can do.”
    Tonda, Dolly, and June brought the bottles of
water and damp towels to try to make the injured men more
comfortable. A plastic bag filled with ice cubes was placed
directly on top of Willie’s head wound that still seeped blood down
his face, and Pappy D sat on the steps with his head down,
    He called Donnie over to him, and quietly
told him to find Candle. “You bring that troublemakin’ sumbitch to
me. You do it friendly, or you do it not so friendly, but you bring
that fucker here to me, you hear me, boy?”
    Donnie nodded

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