Christmas With the Mustang Man

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Book: Christmas With the Mustang Man by Stella Bagwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stella Bagwell
customers ahead of me—” She broke off, knowing she sounded like a spoiled, privileged person trying to buy her way with money.
    â€œOther customers aren’t the problem, miss. Parts have to be ordered and shipped. Not to mention a day for tearing down and a day for putting everything back.”
    So she was well and truly stuck. The overwhelming thought made her want to wail with frustration. “Yes. I understand. And I’m sorry if I sounded ungrateful.” She cast a furtive glance at Boone, then planted her focus back on the little mechanic. “Do you mind if I hitch a ride into town with you? I’ll need a minute or two to gather up my things.”
    â€œSure, I—”
    Before the mechanic could get the rest of his words out, Boone stepped up to intervene. “Forget it, Marti, Ms. Donovan won’t be going with you.”
    Stunned by Boone’s interruption, she whirled on him. “What do you—”
    Before she could finish, Boone caught her by the upper arm and pulled her a few steps away from Marti’s earshot.
    â€œWhat the hell are you thinking?” he demanded.
    â€œWhy the hell are you interrupting?” she shot back at him. “I don’t have to tell you that I’m afoot! I have to get to town—”
    â€œFor what? You came to Nevada for horses,” he pointed out. “In case you’ve forgotten, they’re not in town. They’re here.”
    Her mouth fell open. “What is this?” she asked furiously. “You’ve gone from kissing me to thinking you own me?”
    A dull flush crept up his neck and jaws. “I’m trying to make sense here, that’s all.”
    Throwing up her hands in a hopeless gesture, she said, “Then you should understand that I need transportation. I need to rent a vehicle.”
    â€œFor what?”
    Incredulous, Dallas stared at him. “To get back and forth from here to the hotel and—”
    â€œWhat’s the matter now?” he interjected. “The bed not comfortable enough? You were cold and needed more covers? Or you wanted room service?”
    His light sarcasm caused her cheeks to blush red with anger, and her lips formed a thin line.
    She wanted to shout at him that her sleepless night had nothing to do with the bed and everything to do with that damned kiss he’d planted on her. But she wasn’t about to let him know that he’d affected her that deeply.
    Blowing out a long breath, she clung to the last shreds of her composure. “I was perfectly comfortable. Thank you. But my food and lodging for this trip is not your responsibility. All I’m trying to do is get out of your hair.”
    To her surprise, humor flickered in his eyes. “I don’t think feeding one little woman for a few days will break me. And believe me, if you get in my hair, I’ll let you know about it.”
    Dallas had never been able to stay angry with anyone and as she looked at Boone she realized he was actually trying to help, even though he’d done it in a domineering way.
    Allowing a faint smile to tilt her lips, she said, “I agree, it does make more sense for me to stay here, but I don’t like the idea of taking advantage of your hospitality—that’s all.”
    â€œIf you feel that badly about it, just tack a few more dollars on the check you write for the horses. Besides, Hayley will be thrilled to have you here.”
    Hayley. Spending time with the girl last night had been more than enjoyable for Dallas. Though she couldn’t understand or explain it, she’d felt an almost immediate bond with the child. The chance to be in her company a bit longer was enough to persuade Dallas to stay here on the ranch.
    â€œAll right, then. I’ll tell Marti I don’t need to hitch that ride after all.”
    Five minutes later, the tow truck and Dallas’s broken vehicle pulled away from the house and headed

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