Silver May Tarnish

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Book: Silver May Tarnish by Andre Norton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andre Norton
old woman leaned on her staff, shivering in the chill air. Her face was bitter, her mouth twisted in pain and grief.
    â€œI am Merith Eralsdaughter. They came in the early morning. They laid in wait, and once many within the keep were out and about they began their killing. With the keep doors open they entered and killed all within, then they raged through the village. The master-at-arms survived to rally the men for a little. But those who came killed without sense or mercy as rabid beasts kill.”
    Her tall figure bent a little, as if cradling pain. “We were weak. Our lord and his sons took all those able-bodied men to the last battle. He and his sons did not return. Only a handful of his men came home and they were each left crippled in some way. Our lord’s lady ruled us well, our master-at-arms was her cousin. He and his few men died trying to save her and those in the keep.”
    Lord Lanson spoke without accusation. “How then came you and those alive from that slaughter?”
    She straightened a little. “I was up with a sick ewe. I saw what would come to us and took up supplies in a bag. Then I left. In cover on the hills I waited to aid those who survived—if any did. I know a little of herbs and healcraft. Better to aid the wounded than add one old fool to the slaughter.”
    Ithia took her hands then. “Be welcome, sister. What you did was wise. And these?” Her gesture encompassed those tattered figures which slumped on the ground, blood staining their clothing here and there.
    â€œThey are from the village. Hann was our baker. He, too, was awake early. The woman is his wife, the girl and the boy here theirs.” I judged the girl to be almost fourteen, the boy perhaps a year younger. The woman looked up at Merith’s words, her eyes blank. She wailed softly. Merith spoke. “Her oldest daughter was maid to the lady of the keep. Although we waited in hiding, the girl did not win
free to join us.” Merith resumed the count. “Tral and his sister, Trela, were caring for a sick cow. They escaped unharmed, also bringing out their mother from the house. The other four are men whom we met on the road. They come from Hastdale. That, too, has fallen, or so they have told us.”
    About us I saw faces agape in horror. Always the war had seemed so far away. But we knew Merrowdale our neighbor. Hastdale, almost a week’s journey to the North, and with which we occasionally traded, had also fallen? Would we be next? Merith was still talking.
    â€œMy mother was nurse to Lord Malrion’s mother, we were children together and friends. He talked frankly to me of the things he learned. The war is ended. The invaders flee. But many dales were destroyed. Too many soldiers have lost lord and home and hope. They ravage now like hunger-maddened weasels. If they have nothing, not even hope left to them, then that, too, they shall deny to those of us who still possess something.”
    â€œWhat sought these ones in Merrowdale?” That was my father.
    â€œWhat such men always seek: loot, women, mounts to replace those lost.” She bowed her head. “They came in strength to our dale: many less will leave.” Her head came up in pride. “Our people fought. They were not taken like rabbits which scream and cower beneath the weasel’s fangs. Blood-price they had for their going.” She slumped again, staying on her feet with difficulty. Ithia lent her shoulder.
    â€œCome. Best you have food, drink, and a bed.” Her eyes sought Lord Lanson. He nodded, leaving these decisions to Ithia.
    â€œThe village will take you in. Let any family who can host one of these come forward. Merith, you shall guest with me and my apprentice. I think Lord Lanson will have other work. In the morning you shall speak with him as he
wishes.” Recalled to himself, our keep lord nodded again to Ithia and hastened away. I joined my teacher and added a younger

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