Edge of Shadows (Shadows #1)

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Book: Edge of Shadows (Shadows #1) by Cege Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cege Smith
reached out and touched her shoulder. His normally blue aura was tinged with pink. She had alarmed him.
    “It’s okay. I was just admiring Linda’s house,” she said faintly. Her hand had crept to her chest, and she could feel her heart beating anxiously. She wondered if it was the scare or David’s touch that had it racing. She could feel the warmth of each individual finger burning through her wrap. His eyes caught hers and he smiled. She couldn’t help but smile back. In the moonlight, he looked devilishly handsome in a long woolen coat.
    David gently took her elbow. He was still much taller than she was, even in her three-inch heels. She liked that.
    “Allow me,” he said.
    She couldn’t manage to think of a thing to say as they walked up to the house, but David seemed comfortable with the silence. He was so close that she could smell his cologne; light and subtle, but intoxicating. She thought for the second time in as many days that it felt good to be close to a man and wondered how she had gone without it all this time. This contact made her feel almost completely human again.
    “Thank you,” she murmured as they arrived at the door. He just smiled knowingly and pushed the doorbell. Ellie hoped that her thoughts weren’t transparent on her face.
    “Darlings!” Linda exclaimed as she opened the door.
    Ellie didn’t need to see an aura to immediately tell that Linda was in her element. Linda’s face was glowing with excitement. She wore a diaphanous white blouse with a black skirt, and pearls that Ellie knew instantly had to have cost a fortune. Her hands were heavy with diamonds, and her hair had been recently done.
    “I’m so sorry that the butler wasn’t here to answer the door. I just sent him off on an errand to the kitchen so he should be back in just a moment to take your coats,” Linda said, ushering them inside the house.
    “You have a butler?” Ellie stammered as she started to remove her wrap. She felt confident hands on her shoulders as David helped her slip it off. He already had his jacket thrown over his arm. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a burgundy shirt and a matching tie. With his sandy blond hair and dark blue eyes he looked utterly irresistible.
    “Thank you,” she said shyly.
    David continued to smile at her, and she caught his gaze as it slipped from her shoes to her face. When his eyes returned to hers she could see definite appreciation in them and she blushed. Still holding her eyes, David pulled a wine bottle with a red bow tied neatly around the top from beneath his jacket. The movement allowed her to finally tear her eyes away from him. She took a deep breath. It was crazy how this man affected her.
    “For you, Linda,” David said, presenting the bottle to the older woman.
    “David, I told you that it wasn’t necessary to bring anything,” Linda admonished, but Ellie could tell she was pleased. Plus she thought that it would be hard to be upset with someone as handsome and charming as David.
    A moment later a distinguished gentleman wearing a dark suit and serious expression appeared.
    “Jeffrey, please take Ellie and David’s coats to the coatroom.” Linda fluttered a finger in their direction.
    “Of course, Mrs. Jordan,” was the soft reply.
    Ellie’s eyes widened. Unless she was mistaken, he had an English accent. If Linda could afford a butler, and a dignified British butler at that, then she had no idea why Linda was wasting her time in Ellie’s little coffee shop. It was obvious she could be doing whatever she wanted with her time.
    “Oh, and take this lovely bottle of wine into the kitchen so that it can chill. Perhaps we can have a glass after dinner,” Linda added.
    With a stiff half bow, the butler disappeared with the coats and wine.
    Linda took Ellie’s arm and led her down the hallway. David followed closely behind.
    “I didn’t know you had servants.” The words were out before Ellie could take them back; she realized that to

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