Playing Up
    They left their drinks in a quiet corner with
a couple of familiar faces keeping an eye on them, and moved a few
feet to the dance floor to enjoy the rhythm of the music. Every now
and again, each discreetly signalled and laughed when they saw an
attractive man looking their way. Sian caught a few glimpses of Rob
but purposefully kept her eyes away. When Sarah joined them, a
thirsty Sian went to reclaim her drink, discovering that Rob’s
group was only a few yards away from them.
    As she drank, she tried not to look, but
found her gaze was drawn irresistibly towards him. His body just
flat-out did it for her, from the dark T-shirt which clung lovingly
to his thickly muscled upper body, to the well-worn jeans which
hugged his tight arse and strong, broad thighs. He turned around
and caught her looking his way. His eyes smiled at hers, ‘How are
you?’ he mouthed.
    ‘Great,’ she smiled back, ‘Good game last
    He looked puzzled as if he couldn’t hear her
and gestured that he’d come over. As he stepped nearer, her belly
began to roil with nerves and anticipation.
    When he was closer, she tried again, ‘Good
game last night?’
    ‘Not bad. It was nice to get the whole eighty
    ‘For a prop that’s like running a
    He laughed, ‘That’s quite accurate, except
for more bruises.’
    ‘First time this season too?’
    ‘You’re correct, it was.’ He stared more
curiously at her.
    Silently she cursed herself; that was too
observant. ‘Someone else worked it out, not me,’ she filled, ‘but
it looked like you still had plenty of energy, that was a great
try-saving tackle in injury time.’
    ‘Thanks again. How long have you been
supporting Harford Park?’
    ‘Since I moved here from Cornwall six months
    ‘Isn’t Sian a Welsh name?’
    ‘My mother liked it, and my father was half
Welsh. He insisted on the spelling, S I A N not how it’s
pronounced, Sharn.’
    ‘Oh, OK then.’
    They stood awkwardly, Sian trying to control
the butterflies in her stomach. ‘So, do you come here often?’ she
quipped lightly.
    ‘Now and again. As it was a Friday game this
week, we have training early tomorrow. I’m only having a couple of
beers tonight as I’m driving some of the boys home later.’
    ‘That’s nice of you.’
    ‘I’m a nice man.’
    ‘I can see that, I mean…’ she was glad that
the dim lighting covered her blush, ‘I mean you seem like a nice
man. I don‘t know you well enough to agree. You could be an
axe-wielding maniac for all I know.’
    ‘Do you know many axe-wielding maniacs
    Sian giggled, ‘Just one or two, for some
reason they seem to be attracted to me.’
    ‘I can see why,’ Rob appraised her
appreciatively, from the deep cleavage bared in the semi-revealing
top down to the glitzy but flimsy heels precariously strapped to
her feet.
    The butterflies intensified their fluttering
and moved lower down, Sian shifted in place and took a gulp of her
drink, finishing it and setting the empty glass on a nearby ledge.
‘I suppose I better be getting back to the dance floor, Clare will
be wondering where I am.’
    ‘She’s dancing with Sarah now.’
    ‘Still…excuse me,’ she went to pass Rob but
in her agitated state she managed to step awkwardly and her ankle
turned slightly.
    Rob caught her around her waist again and
helped her get her balance back. Again, she sucked in her tummy but
this time his hands didn’t move away. ‘Are you OK?’
    ‘I’m fine, I’m not usually such a klutz but
this carpet sticks to my heels. Thank you for being a hero once
more.’ She dabbed a kiss on his cheek, almost swooning as the
combination of his spicy aftershave and him drifted up into her
lungs. Yum, he smelled so good. Her legs nearly gave way and she
was grateful for the hands holding her up.
    ‘You sure?’ he turned his face towards
    ‘Yes, thank you,’ she breathed.
    They froze in place for a few seconds as

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