Neptune's Fingers

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Book: Neptune's Fingers by Lyn Aldred Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lyn Aldred
“Who is that boy?” It was clear the boy in his dream now owned a pair of shoes.

    T he lusty smell of the sea carried on the breeze and in the salt spray, filling his nostrils. The Aurora was ahead of the fleet with only Dawnwind leaving her in her wake. The water, choppy and boisterous, pitched the boats up and down, frolicking like a family of ducks out on a family picnic. Voices floated across the Bay from one boat to another, unrestrained in the open air. It was hard to believe these people were the down-and-outers. Better sport could hardly be had by anybody.
    Bill stuck his head out of the wheelhouse, pivoting around in search of Jack. He located him almost outside the cabin door, the last place he thought of to look. Last time he saw his friend, he was standing at the bow, looking silly. Now his expression showed something else.
    â€œWhat’s wrong with you?” he asked. “There’s nothing to worry about out here. Look, we’re winning – as long as you don’t count Dawnwind. She’s racing herself, I reckon.”
    Jack took in his present surroundings. He was mad to get tangled up in something unreal while the race was going on. It was reckless abandon out here on the harbor. Even the seagulls joined in, flying alongside in the slipstream of the boats. He laughed.
    â€œNothing.” He leaned over the starboard side and let the spray wet his face. He knew a salty crust would coat his skin as the water dried but he did not mind. “Gosh, that’s Curlew catching us up. I didn’t think she had that much power.”
    It was true. The passengers aboard The Aurora were shrieking their encouragement to Harry and his boat as the tussle for second place looked like being a real contest. The Curlew was a pretty boat owned by Harv Williams. Jack could see him in the wheelhouse, guiding his boat to advantage. They were close enough to see the grin on his face. The Curlew was gaining. This could not be! Curlew sat high in the water as she had no load other than passengers to weigh her down. The Aurora was empty too. The boats had equal chance and well their captains knew it. The final buoy loomed before them. Dawnwind was rounding it now. The boat closer to the buoy as they turned would be in front and both captains jostled for position. Harry gave it all he had. The Aurora inched ahead but Curlew stuck like a magnet to her starboard side. So far Harry had the advantage but anything could happen.
    Willed by the cheering crowd, The Aurora maintained her position and the buoy hove to on her port side. With enormous skill, Harry turned the wheel and his boat responded eagerly. He kept a tight position around the buoy so that Curlew could not edge in between and take the lead. Passengers on the other trawlers could see the contest going on. Each to his own fancy, they called out to one boat or the other, as though their encouragement earned them a place on the winner. Dawnwind gained no further lead. Her place assured, the passengers on her decks called out their cheeky suggestions which carried on the wind to the straining combatants. Ginny’s voice rang above the rest.
    â€œThat girl’s got a set of pipes and no mistake. No one can outshout Ginny. Cor, block yer ears,” said Bill in the time honored manner of an older brother.
    Jack had no intention of doing any such thing. The exciting finish succeeded in driving out his earlier confusion, for the time being, at least. This was something he could understand. Let Ginny yell in her familiar, raucous way. He could see they were gaining on Dawnwind and had shown Curlew a clean pair of heels, so to speak. She wallowed in Aurora’s wake, her battle lost as Harry saved the best till last. Ginny’s shrieks grew louder to match her consternation. Bill would be impossible if Dawnwind lost the race.
    Still they gained, Aurora with the spirit of a young filly as no obstacle barred her progress. Amid the

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