Hittin' It Out the Park

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Book: Hittin' It Out the Park by Allison Hobbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Hobbs
as he led them to their table. Sexy pointed to a cozy little booth in the rear. “Is that table reserved?” she asked.
    â€œNo, would you prefer to sit there?” the maître d’ inquired with a practiced smile.
    â€œYes, thank you.” Sexy returned his phony smile.
    Seated across from Yusef, Sexy perused the menu. Finding nothing remotely appealing, she fought the urge to fling the stupid menu across the room.
    Yusef reached over and lightly caressed her hand. “See anything you like?”
    â€œNothing on the menu looks familiar.” She gave him a puzzled expression. “I think I might be out of my depth. Do you mind ordering for me?” she asked, pretending to have no experience with fine dining.
    â€œSure, baby. I’ll order for you.” With brows furrowed, Yusef began studying the menu on Sexy’s behalf. “How about the Crabtini for your appetizer?”
    Sexy wrinkled her nose. “What’s that?”
    â€œLump crabmeat mixed with vinaigrette and served in a martini glass.”
    Crabmeat served in a martini glass sounded ridiculous, but Sexy widened her eyes and beamed at Yusef as if intrigued by such a unique idea.
    Pleased with himself, Yusef smiled back. “In my business, I meet a lot of gorgeous women, but they’re all so fake. You’re a natural beauty, and I dig that. I also like how down to earth you are. The average, gold-digging chick would have ordered the most expensive thing on the menu, but you gave me the option to decide how much I wanted to spend. That was very considerate.”
    â€œThanks, I try to be thoughtful.” She picked up her glass of water and took a sip. “So, what exactly is your business, Yusef? I hope you’re not in the drug game.”
    Yusef pretended to choke. “Baby, I’m all the way legit. I love myself too much to be out in the streets dodging bullets and risking a lengthy prison sentence.”
    â€œSo, what do you do for a living?”
    â€œI play ball. I’m Yusef Rawls, and I pitch for the Philadelphia Phillies,” he said, leaning back in his chair, looking extremely pleased with himself.
    â€œCan I be honest?”
    Yusef gestured for her to go ahead.
    â€œNo disrespect. I’m sure you’re like, a local hero or star or something, but I’ve never heard of you. I don’t know anything about baseball.”
    â€œIt’s all gravy, baby. I’m glad you don’t know anything about me. A high-profile cat like myself has to beware of groupies with hidden agendas. I made a move on you, and to be honest, it was refreshing to hit on a gorgeous woman instead of getting hit on by the kind of chick who’s looking for a meal ticket for the next eighteen years.”
    â€œIt must be difficult not knowing who likes you for yourself and not your image.”
    â€œIt’s not difficult. I can spot a gold digger a mile away.”
    Sexy leaned forward, and said with a giggle, “Look in my eyes and tell me what you see—a gold digger or a sincere and trustworthy person?”
    â€œI can’t play that game,” Yusef said, frowning and shaking his head.
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œBecause I’m blinded by your beauty. My brain is telling me to enjoy this lunch with you and then lure you back to my place to hit it and quit it.” Yusef placed a hand on the center of his chest. “But my heart is telling me to make you wifey.”
    â€œUmm. Listen, Yusef. I guess I should be flattered and everything, and I hate to burst your bubble, but you’ve mistaken me for one of those gold-digger chicks you were talking about. I don’t care who you play ball for, I don’t know you that well, and quite frankly, my only interest is in having lunch and possibly letting you hit it. What makes you think I want to be wifey to you or anyone else?”
    Speechless, Yusef gaped at Sexy.
    â€œYou’re full of yourself, you know

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