Daisy Takes Charge

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Book: Daisy Takes Charge by Jodie Wells-Slowgrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodie Wells-Slowgrove
    â€˜That was cruel,’ Maggie growled as she reluctantly got up.
    Daisy tossed Maggie the green and orange dress that Aunt Acacia had made during her last visit. ‘Come on, Maggie,’ Daisy coaxed. ‘Think of that momentous prize!’ She dodged away from Maggie’s swipe, stepping lightly out the door. ‘I’ll meet you in the kitchen,’ she grinned.
    Daisy was hanging the timetable on the kitchen door when Maggie appeared. ‘Now we can refer to it as we come in and out,’ she explained.
    Maggie grimaced. Although she wasn’t a dreamer like Daisy, she was very much a free spirit and hated to be constrained by other people’s rules.
    â€˜Don’t look like that,’ said Daisy. ‘It’ll be fun. I promise you.’
    â€˜What about Nelli?’ Maggie asked. ‘She’ll get lonely without me.’
    â€˜Taken care of,’ said Daisy. ‘Vu’s keeping her company today.’
    She headed outside, gesturing for Maggie to follow. ‘Exercise is really good for your lungs and will make you a stronger singer. I’ll race you to the waterfall. Are you ready?’
    Daisy noted with satisfaction the determined look in Maggie’s eyes. She knew that, despite her grumbling, Maggie wouldn’t be beaten by her little sister without putting up a fight.
    Daisy counted, ‘One, two, three, go!’
    The two fairies leapt into the air, their wings beating furiously as they surged above the undergrowth to the open spaces between the trees. At first they were side by side. Then Maggie pulled ahead.
    Daisy beat her wings harder, closing the distance between them, but Maggie was only toying with her. Maggie had been flying for three years, while for Daisy it had only been a few weeks. There was no way Daisy could keep up. With a whoop of delight, Maggie shot off through the trees.
    Daisy arrived at the waterfall to find Maggie relaxing on the rocks, her feet dangling in the water.

    â€˜Up you get,’ said Daisy. ‘You could have been halfway home by now.’
    â€˜I was waiting for you,’ Maggie protested.
    â€˜There’s no time for waiting,’ Daisy scolded. ‘Didn’t you see the timetable?’
    â€˜You can be really bossy sometimes,’ said Maggie. ‘You do remember that I’m the older sister?’
    â€˜Yes,’ said Daisy. ‘But today, I’m the one in charge.’ With a grin, she took off through the trees. ‘Last one back makes breakfast.’

    As Daisy made breakfast, Maggie grumbled about being restricted to nuts and seeds.
    â€˜Heavy foods slow you down,’ said Daisy.
    â€˜All right, boss,’ said Maggie, finishing her meal. ‘What’s next on the list?’
    Daisy checked the timetable. ‘Instrument practice,’ she said. ‘Have you decided which one you’ll play?’
    â€˜I thought I’d go with the gum leaf,’ Maggie replied. ‘It looks simple, but it’s harder than you think, and really great for toe-tapping dance tunes.’
    â€˜I guess it’s into the forest with you then?’ Daisy asked.
    â€˜Yes, I’ll need to collect some fresh leaves.’
    Daisy wagged her finger at her sister. ‘Be back by midday.’
    Maggie rolled her eyes. ‘What will you do without me to boss around?’
    Daisy winked at her. ‘Oh, I’ll be busy. I might even have a surprise for you when you get back.’
    Maggie eyed her suspiciously. ‘Why don’t I like the sound of that?’

O nce Maggie was safely away, Daisy flew up to her sister’s room. Maggie had no time to think about what to wear. But Daisy had it all in hand – she’d been taught sewing by her Aunt Acacia and planned to use her new-found skills to create a beautiful costume for Maggie.
    Daisy rummaged through Maggie’s wooden chest, looking for the perfect dress. She couldn’t find anything that

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