Bareback Threesomes: Seduced By A Lesbian (No Limits Erotica Book 2)

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Book: Bareback Threesomes: Seduced By A Lesbian (No Limits Erotica Book 2) by Nadia Nightside Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadia Nightside
one corner was a giant television with a full sound system beneath. In another corner was a fully stocked bar. The kitchen had the sort of refrigerator that was masked so that it looked like part of the wooden cabinets all around it. Inside the walk-in pantry was enough food for an entire winter.
    “Wow,” said Ariel. “You’re really set up here.”
    “What, this old place?” Rebecca shrugged, flopping down onto the couch. “I guess so. There’s no 4G coverage though. But I guess there’s wifi, so that helps out? We only come here like twice a year so we don’t worry so much about the niceties, you know?”
    “Sure,” said Ariel, closing the fridge. Inside, already, were an assortment of cut deli meats, a full array of green, red, and yellow vegetables, and seventeen different types of beer. Everything fresh. Everything prepared with the most absolute care. “Of course. No niceties.”
    Her own fridge was fully stocked when it had something in it that wasn’t just mustard and baking soda.
    “Do you think you could grab me a beer?” Rebecca asked. “Or some wine? Whatever’s around. I’m still super hungover from last night.”
    Ariel walked over to the bar and went to work, mixing Rebecca a very strong vodka and tonic. She wanted to move in as quickly as she could. The less time that Rebecca had to consider her as “just an old friend,” the better. The buxom young brunette wanted their skin to be touching. Their lips to be sliding breaths off one another. Their thighs pushing on each other, their pussies aching to be released from their stupid tight, torrid sex was her game. And she wanted it all weekend long. The sight of her busty friend, awake and about, had already set her pussy on fire.
    “Thanks.” Rebecca took the mixed drink and immediately downed half of it. “Wow. That’s strong.”
    They sat down at the couch across from the fireplace.
    “You looked like you could use a strong drink. Besides,” Ariel looked around, taking a sip of her own drink, “there’s nobody here to take a picture.”
    “God.” She shook her head. “Yeah, last night sort of ruined that rule. I still don’t remember everything I did.”
    “You think you ruined your chances for running for office in twelve years?”
    Rebecca claimed, over and over again, that she never even wanted to drink in public, for fear that someone might take a picture and it would ruin her chances of running for office later in life. Her big aspiration was to change things—to be a mover and shaker in the political scene.
    “No. Maybe. I don’t know. Shut up.”
    Rebecca giggled, punching Ariel on the arm.
    “God. I just hope Holden doesn’t find out. He doesn’t like the thought of me getting drunk when he’s not around. He’s so possessive .”
    “Oh yeah?”
    “He’s just, you know. All super alpha male, hoorah. I kind of love it. It gets...kind of annoying sometimes, but,” she took another long sip. “God, that’s strong. But, yeah. Annoying, but hot. You know? It’s just sexy how he wants to be in charge all the time. Decision man!”
    She laughed and threw her arms in the air—carefully not spilling a single drop of her drink.
    “How are you getting along with him?”
    “Oh, perfectly. Perfectly .” Rebecca pressed her hands to her chest. “He’s such a hunk, and he’s so nice , and he’s so decisive, and...god. I just love him. I don’t want to just like, be all braggy or whatever, that’s so offensive. But I really think he’s going to marry me, Ariel. I really, really do. I hope he asks soon. He’s like, decision man, like I said. So once he makes up his mind that’s what he’s going to do, well. That’s what he’s going to do.”
    “And you’re conveniently expressing how marrying you is a good thing to do?”
    Rebecca giggled. “Well...I don’t want to be a virgin forever , come on.”
    The two friends had gathered their legs up on the couch, sliding their feet into one

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