All In The Family

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Book: All In The Family by Roseanne Dowell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roseanne Dowell
here for any length of time, she damn well better get used to it.”
    Callie turned her chair and hurried from the room. The sound of Uncle Ed’s laughter echoed after her. She couldn’t get away quick enough.
    Okay, he was right. Nothing wrong with a kiss, nothing wrong with affection, but there’s kisses and there are kisses. Looked like he was trying to swallow her aunt whole. Not that there was anything wrong with that either. Certainly, neither of them expected her to walk in on them. She over reacted. It just surprised her to see them like that. To see her aunt like that. She’d  always been so strait-laced, so prudish. Apparently, her aunt wasn’t as prim as Callie thought.
    At least Uncle Ed didn’t say anything about her exposed breast. How was she going to face him again? The man saw her breast. Okay, call her a prude. She wasn’t in the habit of exposing herself and ignoring it. Never in her life had she wanted to crawl in a hole more. She just wanted to go home. Surely, she could get along there with the wheelchair.
    Fortunately, the doorbell rang before Aunt Beatrice Lulu had time to follow. Jim Landry appeared in the doorway.
    “I brought the lists of applicants. Thought we could go through them together since I know most of them. It’ll still be your decision.”
    “Thanks, Jim. I appreciate that.” Finally, something to keep her occupied and, hopefully, out of Aunt Beatrice Lulu’s focus. Surely, her aunt wouldn’t bring anyone around while she was interviewing, would she?
    Jim followed Callie to her room, pulled out the list of names and sat down in the only chair in the bedroom. Callie pulled her wheelchair next to him. It would be more comfortable in the living room, but no way was she going anywhere near Uncle Ed. Besides, Aunt Beatrice Lulu was bound to come in and nose around. Didn’t need the whole town to know what was going on.
    Jim handed Callie an application. “This here’s Josh Wilton. Good man. Bit young, but we all got to start somewhere. Works over in Northton. Passed the academy last year.”
    “Then there’s Milt Foley. Been with Reed Valley for three years. Wants to relocate. Wife’s family is from Smytheville.  Another good man. And finally there’s Sam Vansworth. He just graduated the academy. No experience to speak of.”
    She glanced at all the applications. “Thanks, Jim. I’ll give them each a call and set up the interviews. I appreciate you helping out.”
    Aunt Beatrice Lulu suddenly appeared in the doorway. “My goodness, Callie, you know better than to entertain guests in your bedroom. Especially males.” She turned her attention to Jim. “Come in the living room for heaven’s sake.”
    Jim stood. “I was just leaving anyway, Mz Eberhardt.”
    “No need to rush off on my account,”
    “Not rushing off. Just finished with my work and going fishing.”
    “Well come into the living room for a cup of coffee at least. I made those good Italian cookies you love.”
    “Well now, can’t refuse them, can I?”
    “Coming Callie?”  Aunt Beatrice Lulu motioned for her to follow.
    “Huh? Oh no, I’ve got work today.”
    “Nonsense. Come along. You have all day to work.” Her aunt got behind her chair and pushed her through the door. Not much Callie could do to stop her. Like it or not, she was going to the living room. Didn’t take long to discover why.
    Another of Aunt Beatrice Lulu’s men sat on the couch, waiting to meet her. Callie groaned. Had to admit he was kind of cute with his crew cut, sandy blond hair, high cheekbones and long straight nose. But his skinny lips turned Callie off, especially when he smiled. His large yellowed teeth were crooked. She had a thing about teeth. Not sure why, maybe because she worked for a dentist during her high school years.  Not to mention his big, round brown, almost black eyes. Reminded her of cow eyes. Okay, she was being overly critical. But seriously, what was her aunt thinking bringing all these men for

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