People of the Thunder (North America's Forgotten Past)

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Book: People of the Thunder (North America's Forgotten Past) by W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear Read Free Book Online
Authors: W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear
lead, but from the corner of his eye he could see that loose-jointed walk characteristic of an exhausted runner. At his door, he glanced this way and that, ensuring that no one seemed to be paying attention, and gestured young Bull Fish in. The fellow nodded appreciatively and lowered himself by thehearth, extending cold hands to the warm air above the coals.
    “If you will give me a moment, I’ll add some wood to that. Have you eaten?”
    “No, Elder. I came here as fast as I could.”
    “Just a moment then.” Amber Bead tossed some wood on his fire and stepped out the door, using the trip to his niece’s house next door as an opportunity to look around and ensure that no one was lingering close to his walls.
    After borrowing half a cooked turkey and a bowl of beans, Amber Bead returned, taking a final look around. No one lurked behind the screen of his latrine, or behind the woodpile.
    Entering, Amber Bead found his guest gratefully absorbing the fire’s heat. Bull Fish looked up, abashed. “Excuse me, Mikko, but I seem to be leaving mud on your floor. I should take these moccasins off.”
    “Do not worry about the floor. The matting will sweep clean. What’s the point of having kin if they can’t care for an old man’s house? But do take your moccasins off. Use that stone there and prop them so the heat dries them. Meanwhile, eat, and then, when all is well, you can tell me your story.”
    He watched the young man toss an offering of meat into the fire, and then utter a prayer for the turkey’s soul. He did the same for the beans, thanking the Spirit of the plants.
    Well, at least he’s devout
. From Bull Fish’s clothes, and the wooden image of Tailed Man that he wore on his necklace, Amber Bead could readily believe he was from Bowl Town. A great many interesting rumors were circulating out of the north these days.
    When Bull Fish finished, he tossed final offerings to the fire, smiled weakly, and said, “If I may, great Mikko. Might I use your toilet?”
    “Out back.” He nodded approval. “Oh, and while you’re out there, you might just take one last look around.”
    Bull Fish hesitated, momentarily confused, then caught his meaning. “Of course.”
    Amber Bead waited, collecting his thoughts. Something about the young man’s manner spoke of great excitement. As if he’d been bursting with news. Ah, well, all in good time.
    When Bull Fish reentered, he propped his bare feet before the fire, and sighed. “The food will make me sleepy. I ran all night.”
    “To tell me what?”
    “You have heard the allegations about Red Awl’s capture and murder by Smoke Shield?”
    “I have.” Amber Bead leaned forward. “You must understand, while I do not put such a thing beyond Smoke Shield’s capacity for stupidity, it will take more than just producing his weapons and Red Awl’s widow standing up to make accusations. We need the body. Some sort of actual proof of the deed.”
    Bull Fish smiled. “You have heard that Fast Legs was the second warrior?”
    “I have, but the mysterious Fast Legs is missing.”
    “Not anymore.” Bull Fish lowered his voice. “
We have him!”
    Amber Bead’s heart skipped. “You killed Fast Legs? Gods, if this doesn’t play out right that could turn on you like grabbing a cottonmouth’s tail! Who knows of this thing?”
    The young man raised a cunning brow. “Elder, please, we are smarter than that. He’s alive. Oh, granted, his leg is badly broken, but his black heart is still beating in his chest.”
    Amber Bead sank to a seat, stunned at the implications. “How did you do this thing?”
    “First we set a trap, and then we lured him into it.Lotus Root was incredibly brave. We let the fool believe he was undiscovered. He even took the food we set aside for him in our granary. The plan was, if nothing else, we’d poison it.”
    “Where is he now?”
    “In a hunter’s shack a couple of hands’ travel west of Bowl Town. We are taking special precautions,

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