Fantasy Boyfriend (A Tattooed Bad Boy Romance)

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Book: Fantasy Boyfriend (A Tattooed Bad Boy Romance) by Vanessa Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Stone
snubbing me? How dare he be so rude to me! By the time class was
over, I decided that I was going to confront him. At the end of class, I joined
the throng of students quickly exiting the classroom. Since I sat closer to the
door than to the front of the room, I was able to step off to the side and wait
until he emerged.
    To my surprise, he glanced my way, stared at me for a
moment, and then looked ahead, walking toward the quad. I frowned and walked
after him. "Luke," I said, not too loudly and certainly not in any
way that could be construed as desperate.
    He paused slightly, but still refused to stop and look
at me. I took another few quick steps until I was walking beside him.
"Luke, are you okay?" To my surprise, he did pause this time, but the
look he gave me when he glanced down at me was almost one of disdain. "What
the hell is wrong with you?"
    To my disbelief, he just grinned, shook his head, and
continued walking. Had he seriously scoffed at me? Really? I stood staring
after him for a moment, and then, growing increasingly infuriated, I followed.
He still refused to acknowledge me, even when I walked up next to him. Keeping
my emotions in check, I looked up and spoke to him. "What's your problem?
Why are you being so rude?"
    Again, he refused to respond. His expression was aloof,
and I couldn't see any hint of emotion behind his eyes. He continued to walk,
not acknowledging my presence, and I'd be damned if I was going to chase after
him like a lovesick teenager. So, I slowed down and let him go, feeling like a
fool, standing near the quad alone, a myriad of thoughts running through my
    I didn't know what kind of game he was playing, but I
knew one thing – I didn't like it. I didn't like it one bit. But two people
could play that game. I struggled with feelings of hurt and fury. I had let him
have his way with me, not once, but twice, and that didn't even count the
groping I had allowed him at the Japanese restaurant. I couldn't figure it out.
Why take me out to dinner, act like he was enjoying himself, even have sex with
me, and then act as if I didn't exist? Could he really be so callous? Had the
entire evening been carefully choreographed to result in sex? Why? He could
have taken out any number of girls prettier and more experienced than me. I
couldn't figure it out.
    Could he have taken me out on a dare? A challenge by
one or more of his friends at the frat house? I gasped in horror. I certainly hoped not. That would be intolerable, not to mention
humiliating. Still, I hadn’t noticed anyone snickering at me yesterday morning,
or this morning, either. I couldn’t figure it out.
    Fighting back my sense of dismay and hurt feelings, I
realized there was nothing I could do about it now. In fact, I didn't even want
to do anything about it. Let him act that way. Okay, so you'd gotten sex from
me, Luke, I thought. Big deal. If that's all there was to Luke Bradford, well
then piss on him. Maybe sex had been all that he was after, but I had gotten
something from it, too, so it wasn't as if it was a total loss. Still, I wasn't
used to being treated like that and I didn't like it one bit. Shame on Luke
Bradford. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I certainly
wasn't going to let it happen again, that was for sure.
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Boyfriend #2
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Donovan #5

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book is a work of fiction. The

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