Through a Narrow Door

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Authors: Faith Martin
Nancy’s. And thoughts of her non-existent sex life lead her straight to a certain detective inspector in the vice squad, but as she started up Puff the Tragic Wagon she firmly pushed all thoughts of Mike Regis away, which was not easy when she’d heard on the grapevine that his divorce was final, and that he’d begun openly dating again. But, so far, he’d not turned his head her way. Which was her own damned fault, of course. A few months ago, when he’d asked her out, she’d more or less told him to sling his hook.
    And slung it, he had.
    As she walked across the foyer, the morning-shift desk sergeant greeted her as she passed by, but had nothing of interest to report be it news of her case, or the latest in station-house gossip. As she keyed her way into the main office, noting that she was the first of her team to arrive, she wondered if Danvers was already at his desk. If it had still been Mel in there, she’d have gone in and chewed over the case, sharing her feeling for how it was beginning to taste and getting his input. But Danvers was still very much uncharted territory, so she went straight to her desk and checked for messages. Her in-tray, as ever, was towering. She gave it a quick trawl through, dealing with the most urgent, scowling to find that a court appearance she had been due to give on a stolen-identity case had been put back yet another week. At this rate, the perpetrator would still be walking around, free and clear, next Christmas.
    By 8.30 everyone was in except Frank, and Hillary began dishing out assignments.
    ‘Tommy, I want you and Janine to start off by interviewing every member of Billy’s form. I daresay there’ll be thirty or so, but it has to be done.’
    Janine groaned. Just what she needed. A morning spent talking to resentful teenage girls, who always saw her blonde good looks as a personal challenge or insult, or, even worse, cajoling teenage boys to stop looking at her boobs, bum or legs (depending on preference) and answer her bloody questions.
    ‘I’ll talk to all his teachers,’ Hillary said, and quickly filled them in on her visit from Billy’s former primary school teacher.
    At nine, Frank still hadn’t arrived, and she was just writing a note on his desk, asking him to question all the allotment holders at Aston Lea, when Janine’s dry warning cough had her head shooting up. Walking towards them, dressed in an expensive-looking navy blue suit, crisp white shirt, and pale electric-blue tie, was her new boss. His blonde hair had been freshly washed and cut, and gleamed even more golden in the bright sunlight streaming through the windows. He had the lean look of a regular squash-player , and Janine gave a subtle whistle as he approached.
    Hillary shot her an appalled look. The last thing she wanted was for Janine to start sleeping with this boss as well. Surely she’d learned her lesson over Mel?
    ‘Hillary, glad to catch you before you go. I know you’re busy, so I won’t keep you. You can update me when you next get in. I just wanted a quick word with everybody.’ He looked around, and chose Janine first. It was probably just protocol – with Frank absent (who had senior status, at least officially), Janine was first in the pecking order; or at least, Hillary hoped that was all it was. To be fair, she could detect nothing lascivious in his manner as Danvers shook her hand. ‘DS Tyler, isn’t it? We’ve met before, of course, but not like this. I’ve been impressed with your CV. You’re awaiting the results of boards, aren’t you?’
    ‘Yes sir,’ Janine said, and added at once, ‘I’m hoping to get a DI posting soon, of course, but this is a great team to work for.’
    Hillary bit back a smile. A typical Janine Tyler remark ifever she’d heard one. She thought she saw a similar cynicism briefly gleam in Danver’s pale blue eyes, but she couldn’t be sure, for he’d already turned to Tommy Lynch. ‘Tommy, congratulations on the promotion.

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