Me & My Boyfriend
    The girls asked Meesa did she need any help in the kitchen. Meesa said, “No, me and Black's grandmother, Rose, got everything.”
    Returning to her cooking duties, Gwen and the girls mingled with Black's friends and family. Looking through the hall into the two adjoining living rooms Meesa cried, so overjoyed that she had her family and friends surrounding her, especially Black and the baby on the way, made her life complete.
    The emotional roller coaster that came with pregnancy was already kicking in. Sensing Meesa's tears Rose rubbed her back. “What's the matter child?”
    Wiping her face trying not to mess up her makeup Meesa replied, “Nothing Ms. Rose, I'm just so happy. I just love my life so much and I love Black so much.”
    Knowing that Black was going to propose, she hugged Meesa. She was so happy that Black had found such a wonderful young women. Black had already asked Rose two weeks prior what she thought. She stated that if Meesa made him happy, then go for it. Not ever meeting her before until now, she was glad that she gave her blessing.
    Finished cooking dinner, Meesa untied her apron and went to find Black. Finding him in his living room, she saw him tickling Jaden Jr. and his little cousins. The sight took any doubt about her pregnancy away. The laughter coming from the children filled the air.
    Gathering everyone to say grace, everyone held hands, Black said grace. Never hearing Black speak so profoundly about God, surprised Meesa. She knew he believed in God but she didn't know he knew scriptures. When she tried to get him to come to church with her, he always declined. He felt that he didn't have to attend church to believe in God, which was true and Meesa had to agree. Laughing and talking over collard greens, sweet potatoes, dressing, ham, turkey, roast, potato salad, and cornbread, Black looked around the dinner tablepleased. He had his woman, friends, and family surrounding him. About thirty people sat in the huge house eating and conversating.
    After feasting, they all exchanged gifts. Ooh's and ahh's were all you heard. Meesa had bought all her friends Chanel outfits. In return, they got her a Gucci bag that cost well over two grand. She also got Black over $3,000 worth of clothes, shoes, and accessories. He got Roc-A-Wear, Polo, Fubu, Phatfarm, and more. Meesa also got him a pair of three-karat diamond earrings to go with his new diamond platinum chain. The new one had a huge diamond cross on it, Black loved it.
    Meesa bought Rose four different kinds of perfumes, hats, scarves, and a pair of two-karat diamond earrings. Black bought her new furniture, all of which was set to go inside the new house he purchased for her only three blocks away. Ms. Rose was overjoyed, sitting back fanning herself from all things she had received. Next, Black handed his partnas all diamond embezzled Rolex watches. The niggas flipped over their watches, in return giving him an envelope filled with money. Meesa skimmed through it estimating almost a hundred grand. They both bought all of his aunts and uncles gift certificates worth a thousand each. The older kids all got PlayStation 2's, while the smaller ones got saving bonds for a thousand each. Black handed Meesa gift after gift. He bought her Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and her favorite Christian Dior everything. She had clothes, shoes, purses, bras, panties, socks, and perfume.
    Taking her hand he helped her to stand. Standing, he covered her eyes and lead her to the window. Everyone knew what was about to happen, he took his hand away revealing a brand new 2003 white Cadillac Escalade truck. Meesa jumped up and down hugging his neck. Sliding the curtains over to get a better view of her new car, Meesa's eyes welled up again.
    “Excuse me everyone, but I have an announcement to make or rather a question to ask. As you all know, Meesa and me have been together for a couple of months now, and we did have our problems at first, but now, we're straight.

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